Hey everyone, finally some time to myself. Its been hard to be able to have some privacy to come on here everyday or more often like I used to. Sucks, so i have to take the opportunity to post when I can. I started working out again this week, so in that area thats great and I am super sore!! Dieting, i am slowly getting there, bit by bit. I started recording everything in detail and yup i am eating way too many calories. I am so confused i wish this was easy. I hate eating all day, but I am finding that i skip meals a lot and when i do eat like dinner for example, i end up eating too much at once. I think this is what is f-ing me up. So i need a new way to deal with all of this or a good outlined plan. I will have to work on that. I really want to feel good and not feel like a chunky monkey with a muffin top and fat rolls. haha i had to laugh that just sounded funny.
OK some thinspo i need it ...