Productivity & Smiles.

Mar 01, 2009 18:51

The past three days have been the busiest I've been since school began :) I'm not "as" exhausted as I thought I would be by the end of this weekend. I haven't touched my homework yet but it's fine, I really only have psychology to do and a bit of revising of chemistry (Y).

On Friday we had our compulsory excursion to Monash where we got to play around with one analysis instrument. I did Atomic Absorbtion Spectroscopy and no it was not exhilirating haha! We spent around two hours using the instruments and afterwards we went into the union hall for lunch. There wasn't any available seats left so I decided to take a tour of the secondhand bookshop and I am so glad I did. I bought 'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen for $6.15!! It's worth every cent and it was publish in 1972 with a gorgeous front cover :)
We had to walk down to the Sychrotron and poor Chaminda had to travel so far on his croutches. It's horrendous how far he had to go and with the weather being 38 degrees celcius, it didn't swing in his favour. Getting on the bus for him was difficult as well, deary me! Anyways the Sychrotron tour was pretty insightful and I can actually picture myself working there. I think it's cool >.> Does that make me sound really nerdy? But yeah I was quite intrigued by it and I wouldn't think twice about visiting other sychrotrons around the world to see their comparisons. We got posters at the end of the day, basically of the layout of the Sychrotron. It has a place on my wall - next to my Parkway Drive poster lmao! <---- that's what The Mex told me to do. =='
But although the day wasn't as crap as I hoped I really hated that I couldn't go to Soundwave. Krystal told me it was epic and Kud texted me during.... LUCKY PEARLS!

I went driving for the second time everrrrrrrrrrr on Saturday morning. It was better than my first time and my dad was a really good instructor. We went to one of the numerous industrial parks off Wellington Road and it seemed pretty deserted however occasionally a truck would come storming up :S So I just indicated to the left and left them pass me. I had a lot of fun but constantly turning left begins to get boring. I'm fair sure that we're going to go driving again next Saturday :) Hopefully we can make a routine out of this and can get some solid hours down in my log book. *Turning right is the next step!

WHO: Dianna, Jenny, Belinda and me
WHAT: Jen's late birthday gathering (Chicks only)
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: City (Melbourne Central)
Alright, so we originally planned to meet under the clock at 7pm but Bel offered Dianna and me a ride into the city. we left my place at 6:30pm and the traffic on the M1 was pretty bad (due to roadworks) and it was rather sticky on Toorak Road. We didn't reach the city and park the car until 7:45pm. We met up and couldn't really decide on what type of food let alone which restaurant to dine at. We walked around QV and came across a really nice looking eatery and the waiter there was H-O-T-T!! You could just tell he gets all the girls. We ate dinner at a place with a nice interior design however the food did not match. It wasn't even 3/5 star quatlity :S We then went to Buretti and shared a slice of cake. So many seeds! Seeds get in the way a lot of the time, tsk tsk! So Jen got called home so Belinda needed to drive us to Springvale to pick up Jen's car.
Back in the carpark where Bel parked her car, cars had parked in the exit lanes and we were sandwiched in between the lanes. Somehow Bel maintained her calm but I was sitting next to her fretting away ==' An asian guy wanted to leave to so he helped us try and squeeze through a dangerous gap but it wasn't successful. Thankfully someone drives out from one of the outer lanes but he had to reverse his car into the gutter to get out. So finally we had an escape! So we were waiting for other (inconsiderate) people to make their way out before we could. The suddenly some young guy comes and parks in that spot :@ we asked him to choose a different spot but he thought we wanted his so he was uncooperative. Which was really aggravating! An indian guy also came up to him to explain and that's when he believed it and moved his vehicle. So after five minutes we were out! Yippy! Freedom!
It was bumper to bumper in the city and we found the breeding ground of gentlemen's clubs. Oh yes a very exciting revelation! Hah! We took Princes Hwy back to Springvale and in Carnegie there was car accident, forcing three lanes to merge into one. Jen drove me and Dianna back to my place and that was at about 12am. Thankfully mum knows my cousins'll look after me so she didn't say much about my being out so late. I went to bed at 1:00am. It was a very dramatic day full of highs and lows. We spent more time in the car then anything else though, hahahahahah! Mum asked if we were going to go out for Dianna's birthday this month as well. LOL maybe not to the city.

I woke up at 6:30am to get ready to go into the city for the tsfx chemistry 'mastering the vce' lecture. There were six of us catching public together and we started on the bus at 7:21am. Very early I know but it's better to be early than late. I had a sausage and egg mcmuffin when I got into the city :) It was very very good.
The lecture was boring. He pretty much just explained Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy which was what I did on Friday ==' I'm just glad it was a free lecture. We met Isaac inside the lecture and we were basically just sitting there thinking 'what a waste of time, I could've slept in'.
+ Saw Matt today (briefly)
+ Watched 'He's Just Not That Into You' (and managed to cry in it)

The movie was pretty good, it's sort of like 'Love Actually' in the sense that there are multiple story lines running simultaneously and interlink. Justin Long was so cute in this and my favourite story out of this was Jennifer Aniston and Ben Affleck's characters (I totally forgot their screen names!). Basically they've been together and living with each other for seven years however Ben doesn't believe marriage. Then they seperate and he moves out. At Jen's younger sister's wedding, her father has a stroke or a heart attack and everything turns semi-tragic. Her sisters' husbands just vege out and watch the football and she is left to pick up after everyone. Then one afternoon she walks into the kitchen and sees Ben washing the dishes and planned to do the washing after. It was soooooooooooooooo cute :) Now that's a man!

-- I had a really fun day with Steff, Mia and Sarah. They're awesome and I should hang out with them more often. I hope Anita made it home safely by herself.

Smell you later,
Ftty Tng <3

120hours, excursion, film, melbournecity!, dinner, literature, ff-friends, cousins

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