(no subject)

Mar 22, 2006 21:29

Livejournal: Hey everyone, good evening, thanks for tuning in. Tonight we're here with a man who's kinda been just under the radar recently. You might have heard of him, you might not have. But chances are if you're reading this, he's been in your life in some way or another. This is someone who's been a busy man lately...juggling working forty hours a week, pursuing an acting career in film, and that's not even to mention...well, I'll just let him tell you more about it. Ladies and gentleman, Jason Stafford.

Jason Stafford: Hello, Livejournal.

Livejournal: Hello.

Jason Stafford: ...

Livejournal: So tell us, Jason, you've been living in Los Angeles for about five months now, how's the "acting thing" going, to ask the cliche question?

Jason Stafford: I'm glad you asked, Livejournal, and despite the lack of seeming evidence, its actually going really well. And what I mean by that is, no, you can't see me on TV, or in any theatre yet in LA, no, I'm not taking acting classes, etc. but I feel in a really good place because, while I'm not making more than I've ever made...I'm definitely saving more. So it'll only be a few more short weeks before I get headshots, at which point I can begin submitting to agencies, and also to auditions in Backstage West, as well as to online services for actors. Also, now that its been five months, I feel very secure and content living in Los Angeles, ready to pounce on the acting world, when the time comes. In short, awareness now, action soon.

Livejournal: Good answer. It must be stressfull, though, Jason, to have to keep all of this in mind all the time, as well as sustaining your existence, rent, bills, etc, and keeping a postive attitude on top of all of it.

JS: Oh, it is! (laughs) I honestly don't know how I do it, except I guess that I couldn't really do anything else. But there are some things that help. Little things like, a dance class here, or getting some time to hang out with Derek there. My brother and I have been e-mailing back and forth a little bit, that's been nice too. I'm actually going home in a couple weeks for my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary, that'll be a really pleasant, soothing experience...I miss my family.
I'm sorry, did that answer your question?

LJ: It did.

JS: I get distracted easily.

LJ: Speaking of getting distracted easily, let's bring up a topic that seems to be a recurring favorite in your life.

JS: Oh no.

LJ: Boys.

JS: (aloof) haha, yes, boys...well...let's see...try as I might...haha. Well, yes, to be honest, there is a sort of boy that is kind of in my life right now, though from a distance. Him and I just connect. Enough said.
Although, maybe its good its from a distance, so I can stay focused on things here.

LJ: Well, Jason, I don't want to bore our readers...

JS: Are you calling me boring?

LJ: ... Just to say perhaps we should wrap things up. Anything else on your mind?

JS: What isn't? I don't have time to watch all the movies I wanna see or do all the things I wanna do...Derek just got a job so there's one more body in the apartment that needs frequent transporting. Attempting to make things work gets frustrating sometimes. I was talking to a friend last month or so, and he mentioned how trying transition times can be. I'll sense disparities in my life and/or with certain people IN my life, and well, it makes me feel bad, when change can leave people in a place where they feel they're getting a short end of the stick, and there's nothing I can do about it. But I guess everyone has to learn that. I certainly felt that I wasn't provided for for a large portion of my life.

LJ: I'm not sure I understand.

JS: I'm not sure I can explain any better. I'll just say that I certainly am trying my hardest to be productive (in all facets of my life) , and when I see the results of that productivity, especially where acting is concerned, it makes me very very excited and happy.

LJ: Thank you for your time, Jason.

JS: You're very welcome.
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