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The gist: my dick grew, it hurts to walk sometimes, my voice dropped, gay-squealing also hurts sometimes, and a few other things MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE HAPPENED because I am convinced everything is placebo effect. (Just watch how many times I say "placebo effect" in the video. Drinking game, anyone?)
My channel: (subscribe away, I'll probably be uploading a lot of stuff.)
Also: after I made the above video my voice dropped again (!!) and it's way lower than I would have ever expected it to be at this point. It's REALLY exciting. I'm just still really excited about the whole OMFG I'M ON T thing. I feel amazing with testosterone in my body; it's like I'm finally hormonally balanced. I think I should write a love poem to testosterone.
This does sort of mean I need to come out to my employers now though.