Pics of Nathaniel's Boston trip!

Dec 23, 2009 18:46

I was too busy having fun with Nathaniel and I kept forgetting my camera, so I don't have a ton of pictures from this visit, sadly. On the plus side, Nathaniel never forgot his camera, so he has loads! Head on over to his journal to see. (His post has 99 pictures, I think, so beware if you have a slow connection!)

New England Trans Pride, 03 October:

It's Zander!

Grand Marshal Gunner Scott giving his speech.

Walden Pond, 05 October:

There wasn't much foliage yet, but it was still pretty. (Click to see it full-sized.)

Trees with minimal autumn foliage.

Light shining through some leaves.

Light on the water, as seen through the leaves.

This shot is of Walden Pond, not Bermuda or something.

Next to where Thoreau's house originally stood is a large pile of stones. Thoreau's old friend, the Concord sage Bronson Alcott (father of Louisa May Alcott), had walked out from Concord in 1872 with a visitor and placed a stone at what he remembered to be the site of Thoreau's house (Thoreau lived there in 1845 and the house didn't last terribly long). Since then, it's been tradition for people to add a stone, and there's a huge pile of them now. Some folks have got creative, writing on the stones or stacking them in gravity-defying towers, like this one.

Two more cool stacks of rocks.

I saw some yellow foliage over this fork in the path, and wanted to take a picture that I could entitle 'Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood', but there wasn't really enough foliage yet to make it work. You can see some yellow leaves at the top of the picture, though.

We also visited the replica of Thoreau's house, a little way away from the original site, and Nathaniel wrote an entry in the ledger that was inside. It really is bigger on the inside!

Nathaniel looking cute in the doorway of Thoreau's house.

Everyone has done this with the statue of Thoreau that's just outside the house. Here he's reading a guide book about some local walking tours you can take.

And here he's examining Nathaniel's mobile phone.

Burlington, VT, 25 October:

A seagull in flight over Lake Champlain.

Close-up of sunlight on the water.

The clouds were beautiful.

Another lovely shot of the clouds.

Sunlight on the water.

A passing sailboat, with a lighthouse in the distance. We were so lucky that these guys decided to go for a sail while we were taking pictures!

More clouds, with sunlight on the water.

Not a ton of foliage yet, even less than an hour from the Canadian border. That white house is Burlington's City Hall.

These bushes had turned a lovely colour, though.

Church Street, as seen from one end.

Hallowe'en, 31 October:

We had a lot of fun with my glow-in-the-dark chalk. Nathaniel wrote this on the front steps.

A bunch of small branches had recently come down from all the wind, and Nathaniel had the fantastic idea of chalking them so they'd be visible in the dark, and standing them up like a creepy forest along the front walk.

I drew eyes on the shutters, as is my custom every year. Nathaniel helped. (He drew the ones on the left here; I drew the ones on the right.)

Nathaniel also very kindly let me trace him on the driveway!

Nathaniel chalking another branch.

I drew a face on a tree by the sidewalk.

Nathaniel placing a branch by the front door.

After dark, we went out to see people's decorations. There's one house down the street from me that goes way overboard for a number of holidays. Here's their Hallowe'en contribution to the neighbourhood.

A close-up of maybe a quarter of their front yard, taken with a flash.

I love crashed witches, so of course I had to take a picture. It had just started to rain a little - I love that it looks like snow in this picture.

Another neighbour's jack-o-lanterns. I really liked the bottom one, which is of a headless horseman.

Nathaniel's jack-o-lantern, with the Tenth Doctor and the TARDIS.

My jack-o-lantern, with three wolves on a hill in front of a full moon.

Promo shot of the Tenth and Ninth Doctors.

Another promo shot of the Ninth and Tenth Doctors.

At the airport, 04 November:

Giving me a smile before he had to go through security.

nathaniel, my actual life, photos

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