Dec 16, 2008 15:18
Sup friends. Yes, César does still use this thing. And even more now that he's been deemed fit to be on Sattelite-fucking-radio talking about trans and gender deviant issues. This is the show outline, feel free to comment and make suggestions and critisism.
by César Sierra.
GenderRadio will go live once a week, Wednesdays, from 5:30pm to 6:00pm. Although there will be a set of revolving segments, the once weekly show will have a set structure for each week. In this outline, I will show what each show will consist of.
Week I. The Basics:
10 minutes- News: This will consist of a basic 10 minutes of gender/trans world news that happened the previous week. Sources for this will be periodicals and blogs. This segment will be divided into 7 to 8 minutes of news with 2 or 3 minutes of commentary and opinion. Comments and questions will be taken via the online chat taking place while the show happens.
15 minutes- Terminology: For this segment, I’ll be discussing commonly used terminology used when speaking about gender deviance. Starting with a very basic explanation of the difference between sex and gender and a general overview of gender deviant vocabulary, over time I hope to be able to educate the listeners on how to navigate a gender deviant conversation with definition, usages and what’s ok to say and what isn’t.
Week II: Intersectionality:
10 minutes- News: This will consist of a basic 10 minutes of gender/trans world news that happened the previous week. Sources for this will be periodicals and blogs. This segment will be divided into 7 to 8 minutes of news with 2 or 3 minutes of commentary and opinion. Comments and questions will be taken via the online chat taking place while the show happens.
15 minutes-“Intersectionality”: This will be the following segment, in which we will have one person (live with me in the studio or as a call-in guest) and will describe their own experience with being trans as it intersects with another aspect of their life: being a scientist, a southerner, a gamer, a minority, a parent, anything. For example, the experience of being a trans parent and how they deal with burning questions from their child and other parents, how they navigate the school system, etc. Or the experience of being a minority trans person and how their respective minority has molded their sense of gender. This will be part story telling and part interview.
2 minutes- Coming Up Next Week: Exactly what it sounds like, it will be a small preview of what next week’s show holds: guests, segments, commentary, anything of interest.
3 minutes- Gender Moment of the Week: This will be a much smaller segment, always at the end of every show. It will give a quick narrative of a moment of hilarity concerning gender. A quick and light hearted “..And that’s how I passed to my own mother for a second.” to end the show with a chuckle.
Week III. A Guest:
5 minutes- News: Because the show’s duration is only half an hour, the news segment will be shortened to five minutes with little to no commentary so as to leave more time for the guest.
20 minutes- Guest: After a quick introduction of latest works I will have a guest on the show, usually a famous trans activist or author. Their latest writings or news will be discussed and we will be taking questions from the online chat or call-ins. Among the proposed guests will be:
Julia Serrano, author of “The Whipping Girl”
S. Bear Bergman, gender activist and author of “Butch is a Noun”
Kate Bornstein, gender activist and author of “Gender Outlaw”
Jennifer Finney Boylan, author of “She’s Not There”
Helen Boyd, author of “My Husband Betty”
5 minutes- Gender Moment of the Week: This will be a much smaller segment, always at the end of every show. It will give a quick narrative of a moment of hilarity concerning gender. A quick and light hearted “..And that’s how I passed to my own mother for a second.” to end the show with a chuckle.
Week IV: How do you say “Gender” in Spanish, again?:
NOTE: The fourth and final show of the month will be entirely in Spanish from start to finish.
10 minutes- News/10 minutos- Noticias: This will consist of a basic 10 minutes of gender/trans world news that happened the previous week. Sources for this will be periodicals and blogs. This segment will be divided into 7 to 8 minutes of news with 2 or 3 minutes of commentary and opinion. Comments and questions will be taken via the online chat taking place while the show happens.
(Este segment consistira simplemente de diez minutos de noticias relacionadas con el tema trangenero. Este segmento va a ser dividido entre 7 a 8 minutos de redaccion de noticias y los ultimos 2 o 3 minuts para comentario y opinion. Preguntas y comentario seran recibidas via chat en la pagina de la estacion.)
15 minutes-Spanish Terminology/15 minutos- Terminología: The last show of the month will be entirely spoken in Spanish. Starting off with some very basic trans and gender-deviant vocabulary, I’ll try to slowly build the listener’s vocabulary till it’s on par with the vocabulary used during the rest of the English-speaking month. While doing this, I’ll constantly be touching back to discussed terminology to make sure no new listener strays behind because they missed the first few episodes. Even though I know that this segment will take more time to build up an audience for than the rest of the month, I’m confident that there will be eventually enough Spanish speaking listeners to be able to have call-ins and Spanish speaking guests.
(El ultimo episodio del mes será completamente en español. Iniciare al radioescucha con un vocabulario sencillo tratando con el transgenerismo y transexualismo. Episodio por episodio, iré aumentando el vocabulario siempre tocando base con palabras ya discutidas en episodios previos para no perder al radioescucha que perdió los primeros episodios. Aunque este segmento tomara mas tiempo para obtener radioescuchas, eventualmente quisiera poder tener participantes y llamadores cada episodio. )
5 minutes/5 minutos- Gender Moment of the Week/Genero de la Semana: This will be a much smaller segment, always at the end of every show. It will give a quick narrative of a moment of hilarity concerning gender. A quick and light hearted “..And that’s how I passed to my own mother for a second.” to end the show with a chuckle.
(Este segmento consiste en una anécdota jovial y chistosa en la cual alguien tuvo alguna experiencia que trae a luz el genero de la persona en question.)