Civil Rights Fast

Nov 08, 2010 17:18

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Civil Rights Fast Letter from Iana Di Bona & Alan Bounville

Dear Community & Fellow Activists,

On September 27, a group of people began a vigil known as the Queer SOS! Vigil outside the campaign office of United States Senator, Kirsten Gillibrand asking that she follow through on her statement made on October 25, 2009 that LGBTQI people should be added to the 1964 Civil Rights Act (CRA).

After two weeks, on October 11 National Coming Out Day, the vigil increased to 24 hours a day, including sleeping on the street. During the day, standing as sentinels, this group of people asked the nation and, specifically, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, "How long must LGBTQI people wait for civil rights?"  For a total of 36 days, we stood and slept, through all weather conditions, facing arrest as witnesses for equality regardless of the passerby’s conduct, both friendly and hostile.

On November 2, with still no response from Senator Gillibrand, we transitioned into a CIVIL RIGHTS FAST. Alan began a water only fast and Iana committed to partnering as a full time non-fasting collaborator.  Together we are going to continue in service to the introduction of the American Equality Bill.  It is our hope that this will bring full attention to the Senator’s stated belief that "sexual orientation and gender identity" should be added to the CRA.

With legal assistance, the bill has been drafted and can be read in its entirety at It explicitly includes SO & GI so that it would expand the CRA in guaranteeing employment, housing and all federal agencies or federally funded programs for all regardless of Sexual Orientation and/or Gender Identity.  This fast will end with the introduction of the AEB into the US Congress. We welcome any member of the House or the Senate to introduce it, however, Senator Gillibrand has publicly stated her support behind such a bill.

Today we are reaching out to our diverse community inviting you to connect with us in whatever way you feel is appropriate. Every action, large and small contributes to our movement.  Stand Sentry at your elected office or call him/her, give up a meal once a week, read the civilrightsfast blog, share the videos, create momentum.  This is your civil rights fast and we hope you will join with us and one another coming together in a shared longing for full equality.

The strength of a united queer and allied community is unimaginable but we believe that it is possible, maybe inevitable, to see a world where we are truly free to be who we really are; gay and straight alike unified for a bigger vision ~ full federal civil rights for all.

We have spread our wings and resolve to fly.
Soar with us.

Iana Di Bona & Alan Bounville

Civil Rights Fast
Twitter & youtube: civilrightsfast
Facebook event and group: Civil Rights Fast
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