Oct 03, 2012 15:44
so i was wondering about many different things and hoping someone or a lot of people can help me out. 1 when i start taking T do i have to take it forever or can i stop after lets say a year or if i stop will everything reverse and go back to how it was? 2 where can i find binders/packers and how much does it cost? 3 am i able to change my SSN or does it have to stay the same but i can change my first and last name. sorry for all the questions i am just to new to this and want to get everything down to a T. my girlfriend is so far 100% behind me but she is scared that after i get the sex change she might leave me. she is scared my personality will change has that happened to anyone in a negative way? i told her i would be the same person just on the outside look different to me would look better and i would be happier as will she. so please if someone could help me with the questions i would greatly appreciate it.
thanks Heath
t-choosing to stop,
transition process,
t-emotional changes,
dating and relationships,