
Apr 30, 2012 16:50

This is a really short kinda recap of how things occured at my chest surgery. I kinda wanted to find somethig like this beforehand but couldn't find anything. I probably wasn't looking hard enough. In any case, Dr. McLean and all his staff are fantastic. Anyways, if anyone has any questions I'll do my best to answer them.

Showed up for my appointment time at 9:30am.
They led me to a back room where a nurse took my blood pressure, pulse and oxygen level. She also asked some questions. This is also where I changed into a backless gown. I was allowed to keep my underwear on. Also, 3 patches were applied to my back for the anasthestist.
After a little bit of watching friends, dr. Mclean came in and made his marks. It took a few moments and he asked if I had any questions.
After he left I sat again (in a robe and on a recliner) until the anathesiast came in. First he suggested I go to the bathroom then he set up my IV. I'm not too familiar with what goes in the IV pre-operating room. I believe he mentioned an antibiotic, like penisilin.
After a small wait, I was off to the operating room. The anasthesist did something with the back patches and the added something to the IV. After that I was asleep.
When I woke up I was cold and I believe the cold kept making my chest muscles tense which was uncomfortble. The only other feeling aside from thr tensing was a burning feeling which was normal. The nurses applied a surgical binder at this point.
Those pains dimmed or eventually stopped and many blankets and a recliner were provided. After about 30-45 min I was capable of going to the bathroom, changing and then heading out.
I was provided a "barf bag" for nausea but I didn't feel nausiated at all. I ate something on the way home and had tylenol 3 with codene @ around 3pm. I feel relatively no pain and my ability to lift my arms/stretch my arms out isn't too stinted. I don't feel tired or groggy from the anasthetics or drugs.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

via ljapp, surgeons-mclean, surgery-top surgery

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