Trans Dating Myths?

Apr 18, 2012 20:32

I just had a thought that I wanted to get feedback on.

When I first started transitioning, I remember that many people, who were most mostly lesbians, consistently drilled it into my head that dating is difficult for transsexuals.  Some people even asked me in a blunt manner, "Come on, seriously, who's really going to want to date you?"

However, it seems from my observations that many transsexual individuals, especially FTMs, are able to overcome barriers to dating and are actually very successful relationships.  In fact, I've never heard of anyone who wants to find a partner not being able to eventually do so.

At the beginning of my transition, I bought into the idea that transgendered people are doomed when it comes to finding partners.  However, now that I think about it, this idea does't match my experiences.

Do you think that there's a myth around the idea that transgendered individuals are doomed to be unsuccessful romantically?  It's been six years since I've interacted with people who expressed these opinions, so maybe things have changed.  Do you think that there's still this perception of transgendered people in the LGB community?  Or is it still common to get the, "who would want to sleep with you?" comments from LGB friends?

dating and relationships

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