Jun 23, 2011 21:38
I went through the tags, but didn't find someone asking this question, hope it's alright to post here.
I am a strong candidate for keyhole, and always assumed I'd go with this -- but two factors are making me lean toward double incision, and I'd really appreciate people's thoughts. Especially if there is anyone who has had keyhole with Brownstein and would be alright sharing pictures, that would be extremely appreciated.
1) I'm very very slim, and although my shoulders are broad, my chest is small. I'd like to have a male-contoured chest. I know working out helps with this, and I've started doing that this year (been on T for a year). I'm concerned that keyhole leaves the areola large, and perhaps too much in the 'middle' of each side of my chest, rather than slightly off center, toward the left and right. The reason I'm more concerned is that, in having a small chest, I feel like the size of the areola, as well as possibly their position, would bother me more than if my chest was larger (i.e. they wouldn't look as big).
As my chest is pretty much invisible (never worn binder), the only thing that makes me uncomfortable are my nipples (as well as going shirtless. Maybe if I worked out a lot, that wouldn't be a problem...not sure, and don't want to wait that long). So if after going through a procedure like surgery/aftercare, I don't want to still be left feeling like my nipples are too big...even though Brownstein said he can reduce my nipple size, just not the areola, I'm just not sure. I haven't seen any keyhole pics he's done, except one that's on transbucket, and the nipple size is larger than I'd like (and that's after a revision).
2) I live in California, which makes Brownstein the easiest choice. I assumed I'd go with him, but have been hearing of Medalie and Fischer. I lean toward Medalie, as I like the pictures of his clients the best (again, transbucket), although Fischer's are fine too, he's just closer and I liked the youtube presentation he did, it makes me feel better about going to someone so far, to at least see them.
Has anyone who has been a keyhole candidate gone with DI? Is there anyone who has done keyhole with Brownstein that would be okay sharing pictures?
I'm alright without getting pics of DI, because there are plenty of those out there, and I feel perfectly comfortable with Brownstein if I do a DI....it's keyhole that's got me confused who to go with.
Thanks a lot for your thoughts and time.
surgery-top surgery-keyhole periaereolar,
surgery-top surgery-nipples,
surgery-top surgery,
surgery-top surgery-double incision