I'm looking for suggestions - I need a currently practicing trans-friendly primary care provider compatible with Commonwealth Care BMCHealthnet, ideally in Amherst or Northampton, MA, ideally willing to prescribe T. I understand that I could work with someone who isn't explicitly "trans-friendly", but I sure would prefer other options!
I have seen this post
http://community.livejournal.com/ftm/6474669.html, and I have seen this list
http://www.umass.edu/stonewall/transresguide, and many others, but most providers I have heard of are in Springfield or Greenfield - even Florence is pretty far away from where I live. There must be someone closer to me/accessible by bus!
I'd really appreciate it if anyone would be willing to share their experiences with:
-Getting T covered by Commonwealth Care
-Finding a trans-friendly PCP in Amherst/Northampton
-Health care providers anywhere in the Pioneer Valley willing to prescribe T with the least fuss/informed consent/etc. I'd certainly travel to someone who was worth my time!
Thanks so much!