Sep 27, 2010 18:38
I started T last Wednesday.
My doctor was going to put me on gel and have me compound it for a lower cost. But another one of his patients told him about something called FIRST Testosterone MC. It is newer and it is FDA approved. Its a cream that the people at the pharmacy compund there. It comes with the cream and the T and they mix it. My doctor said that its better then regular compounding because You never really know what people are mixing with it and you just have to hope that you are getting all the T you need. It comes with 12 ml of T. I put it on in the mornings on my sholders. No one (my doctor or the pharmacist) knew how much for me to use. My doctor told me one to make it last a month. I figure I am getting anywhere from 3-6mg a day depending. ( I can't remember how I came up with this) It cost 53 dollars at Costco (only place I could find it) and that was with no insurance. That is all I know. I have had some changes come in pretty fast but that could be me and not the T. I also have nothing to compare it too because... well this is the only T I have ever been on. Hope that helps and sorry for not putting tags on or crappy grammer or misspelled words. I'm on my phone
t-cream or gel