Jun 07, 2010 19:10
Hey guys, just a few questions for those of you that have either made or modified your own pack and pee.
How did you manage to keep the tubing you used, be it silicone or a shewee type tube, from protruding out of the hole at the penis' head? What are the measurements for your inner tubing?
I have a feeling the length of the dick itself (5.5") is a factor here. I also don't want to change much about the size of the inner tube because I have a feeling that would effect flow.
I'm attempting to modify what I have (a botched up Mango - through no fault of mine) with the same sort of rig up, though I have a feeling this packy's ship has sailed. I'm thinking about changing the cup piece to the baby bottle teet, but that's not the important part right now.
You guys have always been so helpful, so thank you again!
standing to pee