I have five different choices based on circumstances, and opinions would be greatly appreciated.
This is really about middle names, since my first name (Aidan) is a very important personal identification tool.
My dad has a thing about names, where he believes they're the one thing you keep from your family for your whole life. So I thought I could honor that belief by taking his middle name, which was also his dad's first name.
On the other hand, I don't want to alienate my mom's side of the family, since they're the ones I grew up with. A final verdict would take a little more research, since I don't know all my cousin's middle names, but I could take my grandfather's first name.
At any rate, the options for middle names are Russell, Stuart, and Eli (short, male version of very female middle name), or some combo of Russell and Stuart.
P.S. When I say "combo," I mean having two middle names.