Hey i was just wondering if there was anyone is conservative/republican or would be if they were LGBT-friendly and/or if you didn't fall under LGBT umbrella thats defined by them
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well, right? and unless these "rights" are somehow specific to pepsquad, they are not just "his rights." they are my rights and the rights of every human being who would like to be able to live with dignity in this country.
i second what jay said above; the extreme right wing faction of republicanism that has taken over the party is not conservative in any sense, except in as much as george bush wants to make the government small enough to fit in your pants while making you pay for a global war that has stripped us of our international standing.
the fact that you can even create a scenario where you're like, "aw shucks, i wish i weren't in the group being dehumanized by that party, because i'd really like to be one of those guys dehumanizing other people," is shocking to me. would i be a republican if i were not the kind of person against whom the (current face of the) party discriminates? only if that party ended discriminatory practices against everyone. i appreciate the purported tenets of republicanism; smaller government from the bottom up= sounds great to me, but unfortunately right now it's accompanied by a lot of hating the people on the bottom.
i would not say that i would be more likely to be a republican if i were not a transsexual. i would say that i would be more likely to be a republican if discriminatory bullshit were not so cherished by the republican establishment.
the fact that you can even create a scenario where you're like, "aw shucks, i wish i weren't in the group being dehumanized by that party, because i'd really like to be one of those guys dehumanizing other people," is shocking to me. would i be a republican if i were not the kind of person against whom the (current face of the) party discriminates? only if that party ended discriminatory practices against everyone.
i second what jay said above; the extreme right wing faction of republicanism that has taken over the party is not conservative in any sense, except in as much as george bush wants to make the government small enough to fit in your pants while making you pay for a global war that has stripped us of our international standing.
the fact that you can even create a scenario where you're like, "aw shucks, i wish i weren't in the group being dehumanized by that party, because i'd really like to be one of those guys dehumanizing other people," is shocking to me. would i be a republican if i were not the kind of person against whom the (current face of the) party discriminates? only if that party ended discriminatory practices against everyone. i appreciate the purported tenets of republicanism; smaller government from the bottom up= sounds great to me, but unfortunately right now it's accompanied by a lot of hating the people on the bottom.
i would not say that i would be more likely to be a republican if i were not a transsexual. i would say that i would be more likely to be a republican if discriminatory bullshit were not so cherished by the republican establishment.
I absolutely agree with this.
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