(no subject)

Dec 04, 2007 17:49

I am currently a junior in high school; I’m out as trans to my parents and most of my friends, but that’s it. I passed for the first time last Thursday when I went into the community school building to pee since I was just about to have driver’s training (that’s where I meet the instructor), and the receptionist directed me to the men’s room.

Today, I had driver’s training again. Needing to pee, I went back into the community school’s men’s room. I went into the one stall, and the door latch didn’t lock at all, so it was basically held closed by its own weight. As I stood to zip up, I heard the door to the bathroom open, and my driving instructor walked in. At this point, I was holding the stall door closed to prevent anyone from coming in, and I guess he saw my legs because he left without peeing or anything.

I washed up and left in a hurry, and he saw me come down the hall. Then, during the training, he kept making awkward pronoun switches, though he’d gone back to female pronouns by the end of the session. At the end of the session, I got the hell out of there before he could say anything, so he didn’t get the chance to talk to me about it.

I know I did a few things wrong: I probably should have used the ladies’ room just to be safe, and I probably should have stuck around afterwards just in case he wanted to clarify things. I was kind of in fight-or-flight mode, and I chose to fly. Or flee, whatever.

But, what’s done is done. What’s worrying me is what to do at the next session on Thursday. The instructor is an older guy and kind of brash; if I had to guess at his politics, I’d say he was conservative. I’m trying to figure out if the best action would be to say nothing and have him bring the subject up himself, or to talk to him privately before my drive partner gets there (she’s usually later than I am). In any case, if I do end up talking to him, I’m planning on saying I’m “female-assigned bodily, transitioning to male,” since I really don’t want to say I’m transsexual because of whatever connotations that might have. Also, I’m not particularly worried about having to come out to my drive partner.

So, I guess I’d like advice on a few things: should I bring it up or let him, and is what I’m planning to tell him appropriate? Thanks for reading through all that, and thank you in advance for any help you’re able to offer me.

coming out and disclosing, school

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