Thwarted again

Nov 03, 2011 16:21

SO no results available yet. I'm actually sort of relieved. That may have more to do with me blasting music that *isn't* coldplay (goddamn paradise song playing while it is p*ssing down rain during the last minute dash to uni). Not sure if David Guetta exactly counts as an improvement, but it has Sia, so at the least I can chalk it up to some sort of latent patriotism, right?

Yeah. Tomorrow after the conference, I am going to make and eat an entire slab of brownies and slip into a chocolate coma until I *finally* get to fly home on Wednesday. I would do it tonight while watching Operation Repo (damn addictive show), but I don't think the uni would appreciate me shirking an assessment due to gluttony.

This is pointless and noone will ever read it, but it's somewhat cathartic. I will post more often. I'm going to go watch ANTM - no shame, no hope, no future. I need to pick out an outfit for tomorrow. People are wearing *heels*. F*ck.
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