Ahhh, a new year has begun and it's time fo us to round up December and see how we did it.
Top 3 for most words written so far:
1. Nox with 41,683 words written
polomonkey with 29,309 words written
stanzasfic with 14,605 words written
Top 3 1 for most fics finished so far:
1. Nox who's the only one who's finished a fic so far (fics posted in January, will be countied in the next round up)
Oldest fic finished so far:
Matters of the Heart by Nox which was started in the 31st of July, 2021.
Fic finished this month:
Matters of the Heart by Nox
And now it's time for you guys to go write some more :p In fact, it's still not too late to
sign up!
Your lovely mod