Finished Fics (January)

Jan 31, 2021 03:03

Fic 1
Author: clea2011
Title: Two Roads Diverged
Date started (please be as precise as possible for the sake of this fest): December 2020
Wordcount: 2014
Rating: Teen
Warning(s): None

Author's note: Written for HC Bingo square 'family' - it originally started off with the prompt 'Rescue' but diverged...

Summary: Merlin really believed that Arthur's father had accepted him. How very wrong he was.

Link to fic:

Fic 2
Author: clea2011
Title: Healers
Date started (please be as precise as possible for the sake of this fest): December 2020
Wordcount: 2323
Rating: Gen
Warning(s): Canon compliant

Author's note: Warning - this is set immediately after the end of the series and is canon compliant, including all deaths that happened in 5.13. Not betaed. Written for HC Bingo square Healers

Summary: Hunith had missed her son every day since he’d left home all those years ago. That didn’t mean that she wanted to see him come back like this, heartbroken and grieving.

Link to fic:

Fic 3
Author: clea2011
Title: Atonement
Date started (please be as precise as possible for the sake of this fest): December 2020
Wordcount: 3760
Rating: Teen
Warning(s): None

Author's note: Written for HC bingo square Atonement

Summary: Merlin gazed in horror at his screen, unable to believe he’d been so stupid. But there it was in black and white, sitting in his sent items folder.
An email, intended for his mate Gwaine. But somehow it had gone to Arthur Pendragon instead.

Link to fic:

Fic 4
Author: clea2011
Title: Under your Skin
Date started (please be as precise as possible for the sake of this fest): December 2020
Wordcount: 2248
Rating: Teen
Warning(s): None

Author's note: Written for HC bingo square 'bodyswap'

Summary: Uther hated sorcerers. He particularly hated ones that he caught in bed with his son. Burning was probably too good for them, but the crowds always seemed to enjoy it and Uther liked to think of himself as a benevolent king. But burning powerful sorcerers can sometimes have unexpected consequences.
In which Uther gets a taste of his own medicine.

Link to fic:

finished fics [2021]

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