Top 3 for most words written so far:
heyimaclotpole with 39,448 words
2. Kryptaria with 10,244 words
3. Sadpendragon with 6,600 words
Top 3 for most finished fics so far:
schweet_heart and
heyimaclotpole have both finished 2 fics and are thus tied for the first place
Nobody else as finished anything, but that's okay as we've only just begun!
Oldest fic finished so far:
We Need to Talk About Morgana by
schweet_heart which was originally started the 31st of January 2018
Fics finished this month:
We Need to Talk About Morgana - both by
schweet_heart -
Ex Best Friend (Formerly Uni parties are Fun After All)-
Poetry - both by