Violence On-Campus: If you take a swing at another character on school grounds in a public area, no matter the provocation, you are in trouble ICly. Period. If you're planning on doing this, please contact the Principal OOCly so they can react accordingly.
Privacy: There are security cameras near entrances, exits, and other dangerous places; there are areas not covered so there's room for sneaking around, but full nudity, sex, alcohol and drug use cannot occur in public places on campus without punishment. If you're going to do that, make sure you indicate that efforts toward privacy have been taken, or if you want to get caught, let the player of a character in authority know so there can be IC consequences.
Student/Faculty Relationships: IC there is a "no frakking way" policy. OOC, we're not banning them, but they are frowned upon and they have to happen in secret or there will be IC consequences.
Students Leaving the Island: If a character is leaving unofficially/sneaking off for more than a week, just let someone know OOC where they're going so we can keep track. If students are ditching classes, it's also polite to let your teachers know OOCly. If you need to move a character (student or otherwise) off-island for a longer period of time, contact the admin team and let us know the details.
Classes: Each class is held once a week. A teacher or TA will put a post up by 12pm PST and students enrolled in that class are expected to at least sign in. They are welcome to participate in the set activity for the week. It's a good place for interaction with people you might not otherwise approach. If a student is going to miss a class and the player knows in advance, please let the teacher know ASAP. If the teacher is going to be away on the day that their class is due, it is their responsibility to find someone to cover their class for them -- either a TA or another teacher's character. Class expectations can be found
Library: The library has its own set of guidelines that can be found
in this post.