
May 02, 2010 21:57

...we've been super buys...and its only going to get worse.

i like being vague, keeping people in the dark...well, that is until things start to come together and i have something to actually show and bring people to see.

today was our first "day off", if you will...even though we still were looking for...stuff

again, vague, i know.

just know that if things go swimmingly, June 1st will be an awesome, awesome day!

i repeat...JUNE 1st!!!!

(stay tuned!)

oh, and i think ill re-open my Facial-book account again. but dont expect anymore hints on whats going on over there either. but then again, if youre a good online stalker, youll figure things out pretty quickly...

but then again, if you online stalk, you have no life, one!
On a side-note, listening to the first Dismantled album is just awesome. It brings back so many cool many memories. Gary is such an awesome guy and i really miss him and wish we were closer again (not that Sacramento and where he lived in Cali were close, but...)

Also, on another side note, i see my boy structurefall is hittin my town with fucking Hanzel und Greytl! How the fuck did you score THAT shit, bro? Damn! Im gonna do my best to show up!!! Miss you bro, if youre reading this...

Well, im gonna get back to my Photoshopping. Im creating a t-shirt. Its a test run, if you will.
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