Jan 01, 2006 23:41
Well, it looks like we all survived another year. Life has funny way of seeming sporatic, even spastic in real-time but then when you look back at it, things seem to look rather deliberate. STRANGE! Anyways, there still isn't much going on that is of any interest. Work is good. I guess I've gotten to that point where I need to start looking for some place to live. I dont want to rent so I'll be looking for houses. I've kinda settled on the idea of the Deerfield "Cove" area near LHP, but so far I haven't seen anything that really motivates me. That really doensn't matter though cuz I'm still a few months from seriously looking. But if you know of anything please don't hesitate to tell me. Ummmm, soo.... yea that's prolly about it. Ohhh. I'm going to North Carolina for about a week this month. That's kinda exciting! I haven't gotten to go up since I was a sophmore in college, so it will be nice to get away from the craziness that is South Florida. I need to find someone to take care of my Koi while I'm gone though. Any takers? They eat like 4 times a day... little pigs they are, but I love them!!! My big plans tomorrow are... lunch with lisa and gina, and then I guess I should prolly try to get some work done. I've been really lazy that past 2 or 3 days, not to mention that I have pigging out every day. Gotta love holidays! Anyways, I guess thats all there is to tell for now. Come back in another 2 months for the next update.