Howdy friends. It's been ahwile, eh?
So, I finally bought The Killers CD. After almost a year of being totally enthralled, I thought it was about time. I think I have a crush on Brandon Flowers. VH1 plays the "Mr. Brightside" video every morning without fail and I find myself standing, staring googly eyed at the TV. He's a dreamboat, he can sing, and he's wearing lipstick, oh my! And, there's just something about a man in a suit...
It's been a month since I started working out and eating right. I've lost 3 pounds, I'm sleeping better, and my skin is looking good. I hope the weight will start to drop off at a faster rate, but I don't want to push it. It's better that I lose it slowly and the "right" way. Even at 3 pounds a month, I should be looking lovely in time for the wedding.
Work has been absolutely crazy this month. We have definitely booked a record number of loans. Hopefully that means I'll be getting a nice big bonus check next month!
I've been brainstorming for the wedding and we're working on putting together guest lists. I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but we're hoping to book the venues for May 20, 2006. I'm so excited! I can't wait for everything to start coming together! : )
I took some time off last week to spend some lazy days with Dave as he was on spring break. We went up to Savannah for a day and it was absolutely gorgeous! The weather was miserable when we went back in January, so when we saw that it was going to be a beautiful day, we jumped at the chance to revisit. I'm so happy Savannah is such a special place for us. We also went to the FSU/JU baseball game in Jacksonville and did some shopping in the new St. Johns Town Center. All in all my mini vacation was fun and relaxing.