Some of the things Stephen got me =)
mom got me for valentines =)
at syracuse vs. georgetown
student section all wearing same shirt. on the sides... they were awesome.
saw a nice amount of these babies
the best building ever
insice healy hall
the church
dont mess with him
all the dinasours
my fav dinasour
za hope diamond
yea, thats just 12,555 carats. Not a problem..
bling bling
432 carats.. thats small..
my birthstone .. they had them all and more.
swordfish yummy
cold war
the moon thing
one of four engines on a spaceship
wright brothers
more planes
one of amelia's planes
I think those are WWII planes - thats a painting in the back
some hot pilots and a bad pic of me.
guess someone will know what that is
the pimp house
WWII memorial
a very good picture, I must say..
The end. Not bad for a weekend