May 22, 2006 19:00
You Know You Go To Georgetown If...
Just for Fun - Inside Jokes
-You actually know what a Hoya is
-You just might kill the next person who asks you what a Hoya is
-You beat up a 5 year old who cut you in line for cotton candy on Georgetown Day
-You've looked up from your beer while on the rooftops on a Saturday, then laughed at that kid reading in Lauinger's
-You've looked up from your work and silently cursed that kid drinking beer on the rooftops
-You constantly complain about Leo's, but will gladly wait in line every Thursday for chicken fingers
-You either have no idea where Yates is, or are there every day
-You have Wisey's, Domino's and Quick Pita programmed into your phone
-Senior year, you have an AA sponsor before you have a job offer
-You're on a first name basis with John, the Wisey's Bum
-You've gone to 2nd floor Lauinger just to hang out
-You get a warm fuzzy feeling that you're back home when you see the Dixie Liquor sign
-You were an OA/move-in aid just so you could have 5 extra days to party before classes
-You know how long it's been since last we met
-You've almost killed yourself trying not to step on the seal
-You've debated politics in between keg stands
-You've commented about how much you like [insert restaurant/hotel chain, country, etc here], and someone in the group says "Yeah, my family owns that"
-You've come home drunk really late, and your nursing major roommate is just getting up for clinical
-You signed up for GAAP to get prospective students drunk
-Your pneumonia might've had something to do with a fountain
-You're a member of Hoya Blue because you always knew we'd have a great basketball team again (or you just like getting drunk on Tuesdays...)
-You or your friend "only smoke when you're drunk" (which is 3-4 nights a week)
-You've bruised your knees chalking Red Square
-You've spent your last 3 bucks on the best slice of Philly pizza ever
-Your favorite holiday is Halloween
-You've had to squint and close one eye to read the refusal of treatment to a GERM
-You've sat in John Carrol's lap and told him what you want for Christmas
-Any time someone from out of town comes to visit, you go to the Tombs
-You still have no idea how Lauinger's looks like Healy
-You can't wait for spring so you can hang out on "Healy Beach"
-Whether or not you admit it, you love popping your collar
-You've justified eating a Chicken Madness because it has the four major food groups
-You've heard about, but have never been to, the Starbucks in Leavy
-You've sat in a giant green lawn chair
-Your Jesuit professor can drink you under the table
-You've ever spent a lifetime crossing the Key Bridge
-You refuse to believe that your beloved Chipotle burrito has over 1000 calories
-Even though you point them out to anyone who comes to visit, you'd rather walk 3 blocks out of your way than climb the Exorcist stairs
-You look down on GW students and their low SAT scores (but go to their parties anyway)
-You signed up for every single club at SAC fair frosh year, and then ran out of space on your email account
-You've flashed East/West Side gang signs across the Village C Patio
-Daedalus is like an addiction you're tyring to kick; each time you go, you swear it'll be your last
-While wasted/on a walk of shame, you've had the most difficult conversation ever when you got in the elevator with the chaplain-in-residence
-Beirut is not a place, or even a game, but a way of life
-You gave up Natty/Beast for Lent
-Yes, the wait is worth the GUGS burger
-You've walked through a wedding reception in Dahlgren wearing sweatpants and a dirty T-shirt
-You can't decide which you hate more - Housing or OIP
-You were so wasted at Homecoming you rooted for the wrong team
-Your favorite day of the year is Free Scoop Day at Ben & Jerry's
-You play that 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon game to connect yourself to Pierce Bush, Pat Ewing, and the Prince of Jordan
-An internship on the Hill/in the White House is so freshman year
-You took out an extra loan to cover your M Street expenses
-All your friends are from Jersey
-You have a fake, but only use it at Towne
-You're actually 21 and can finally go to Dixie/Wagner's
-Your school will sell you cigarettes, but you have to walk 6 blocks to CVS for condoms
-You've seen Jack the Bulldog walking his Jesuit
-You call GERMS when you're sick (or just to have another witness to how many times your roommate puked that night)
-You "cook" at Leo's (breakfast sandwiches, M+M waffles, pasta with chicken in a creamy tomato sauce, etc)
-You've left the Tombs shitfaced, and instead of going back downstairs, you relieved yourself in the garbage alcove across the street
-You tell time by the chiming of the Healy clock tower bells
-The crowd at the football game consists of you and fifteen friends
-You need to go to VA to get anywhere in DC
-You hate the incoming freshmen who have 10 times more facebook friends than you before they even get to campus
-You get offended when you have to pay for admission to a museum
-During finals week, you keep track of how long you've been in the lib by the number of empty Awakenings on your desk
-You'll wait hours in line to get tickets for Rangila or hear Colin Powell speak, but have never been to a Hoya football game
-You graduated before facebook, and sweat all the young facebook stalkers
-Your stilletos get stuck in the rooftop grate or in between cobblestones every 10 minutes... but you still wear them every night
-The guys at Dixie ask if you're feeling better if you didn't stock up the previous weekend
-You've turned around in line at the caf and been eye level with Roy's waist
-Both Fred Barnes and Condoleeza Rice give shout outs to your basketball team
-You wear $70 polo shirts with $10 sweatpants on a regular basis
-You've gotten in a fist fight in the caf over who's nicer: Rapai or Altagracia
-You sneak Wisey's into the library, even though there's a coffee shop downstairs
-Jack gets all the "bitches"
-You were perpetually confused when Ripai's nametag changed to say "Umberto". Upon further inspection you find that Ripai is actually his MIDDLE name
-You actually understood all of the random Hilltop references in Georgetown Forever
-You constantly check this list even if you don't actually go to Georgetown this semester
-You've gone to parties or lived there for years, but still don't know if Burleith is pronounced with a 'th,' 'f' or some combination of the two
-You noticed whether or not your/you're was used correctly in this list
-You spend a bit too much time on the facebook