Saturday Jackal came over to pick up his kitten to take home finally, and he was getting ready to leave when my brother came whining about how mom wouldn't let him go to the movies on his own. Jackal said he'd wanted to see the movie anyway, so he went with us to watch A Night at the Museum. It was an amusing movie. After seeing that I ship Octavius/Jedidiah.
I think I might be having a tennis match against L tomorrow afternoon, and if Kaidoh (from Loveless - mot myself) can, we're going to meet up and hang out for a bit tonight. Then I'm going to be busy for the most part until the end of term. I've got final projects to work on, and exams to study for. Also an entrance exam to take. There's a possibility I might be transferring schools for my final year of middle school. Mom thinks Seigaku has been a bad influence on me and that a stricter school might be what I need.
One last thing...
spoiler_space? When are you going to come pick up your kitten? Did you still want it? And does anyone know where the Doctor is and when he's coming to get his kitten?