Character Meme Ficlets [POT, various characters and pairings]

Jan 22, 2010 10:44

I've been writing Prince of Tennis ficlets using questions from character memes. Everything is around 500 words or under. Mixture of gen and pairings beneath the cuts.


Who would make a better college professor, Tezuka Kunimitsu, Atobe Keigo or Kikumaru Eiji?
[A Proper Teacher. gen, college!au, 364 words]

"Coffee," Atobe-sensei says, and snaps his fingers.

"Whatever," Kikumaru-sensei snorts, rolling his eyes. He swirls his coffee with a plastic stirrer. "Tezuka, did you want one?"

"No thank you," Tezuka-sensei says, bending over his student's essays and holding a hand to his head.

"What's up?" Kikumaru asks, perching on Tezuka's chair arm. Tezuka does not appreciate the close contact but there has never been anything he can do about it.

"My students are driving me crazy," Tezuka admits. "One in particular."

"Troublesome?" Atobe ventures. When he finally realises Kikumaru is not going to serve him his drink he glances around for somebody else to commandeer.

"Too smart for his own good," Tezuka replies sourly.

"Fuji Syuusuke," Kikumaru and Atobe say at the same time.

"The rumour going round is that he's a genius," Kikumaru shrugs. "He's always pleasant in my lessons. We actually get on really well. It's more like he's my age."

"No, it's more like you are his age," Atobe retorts. "I personally could do without him. He doesn't laugh at my amazing jokes, he just pulls that smile I can't argue with. I think he's gotten out of more punishments than the rest of my students combined."

"Your punishments mostly involve spanking over a desk, don't they, Keigo?" Kikumaru asks innocently. Tezuka rips one of his student's essay pages. "Perhaps he simply isn't interested in you. I did say he's reputedly a genius."

"I'd concur," Tezuka says eventually. He pulls the first essay from the bottom of his marked stack. "This paper is genius. This paper is probably the best any student has ever written in one of my classes. I'm almost envious of his mind. I don't even think he should be at this level. Perhaps he should attempt a scholarship to a more prestigeous school."

"Not interested," Kikumaru replies. "I overheard the headmaster asking him. On two separate occasions."

"...That's what is so troublesome," Tezuka says. "Why is he content to flounder here at this school? I want to shake him."

Atobe and Kikumaru both stare at him.

"Tezuka," Atobe ventures carefully. "Are you sure this is just about his intelligence?"

"What else would it be about?" Tezuka snaps.


Kikumaru Eiji, Tezuka Kunimitsu, and Fuji Syuusuke are having dim sum at a Chinese restaurant. There is only one scallion pancake left, and they all reach for it at the same time. Who gets to eat it?
[Last Chance. gen, 213 words]

Tezuka would usually back down and let somebody else take the last pancake but it has been sitting there for so long he had decided nobody else was going to eat it, and then all of a sudden all three of them had a hand out to take it. Eiji and Fuji's hands smack right into each other, and Tezuka only just narrowly escapes the collision. They both laugh.

"It's mine!" Eiji declares.

"I don't think so," Fuji replies softly.

"Don't get careless," Tezuka says, snatching it from beneath the two of them. Eiji pouts and sits back in his chair. Tezuka lifts the pancake to his mouth.

"You could do that, if you want..." Fuji says cryptically. Tezuka stops. He went to the toilet earlier, did Fuji have a chance to put something spicy on the pancake? Or worse? He glances around the table to see where the sauces are. He looks Eiji's way, but Eiji's eyes are wide in fear, telling him to just give up.

"Fine," Tezuka grumbles, putting the pancake back down much more sharply than he needs to.

"You guys have no faith in me at all," Fuji says, eating the pancake with a smile.

He never does tell them if there was anything wrong with it or not.


Kirihara Akaya kidnaps Yanagi Renji. What happens?
[Blind Enthusiasm Kirihara Akaya/Yanagi Renji, 263 words]

The sex is actually really amazing, because Kirihara is on a high after successfully kidnapping Yanagi after tennis practice. Even with buchou there he had managed to spirit Yanagi away with no problems. He'd attacked from behind sending Yanagi sprawling to the floor and tying his arms up before blindfolding him.

"You're mine now!" Kirihara had declared. "I am taking you with me and there's nothing you can do about it! I will defeat you!"

Yanagi had followed along calmly enough, had let himself be pushed down onto the bed and stripped. Kirihara had thoroughly enjoyed kissing and licking and sucking every piece of skin he could reach with Yanagi still blindfolded with no way of knowing what was going to happen next. And afterwards he did have the presence of mind to untie Yanagi, so that he could wrap arms around Kirihara in the bed and keep him warm.

"I won!" Kirihara declares. Yanagi smiles.

"I heard you coming," he says. Kirihara's face falls. Yanagi would never lie to him. "I asked Yukimura to pretend to retrieve something for me from the locker room so that he would not be there to interfere. Your knot-tying is sloppy, I could have slipped that immediately. The blindfold wasn't pulled down properly - once I was laying down I could see everything. And you left the window open after going to so much trouble to lock the door."

"Did I do anything right?" Kirihara asks in despair.

"You still give amazing head," Yanagi replies. "And when you're that self-satisfied it certainly makes the sex more engaging."


Tachibana Kippei and Fuji Syuusuke get roaring drunk and end up at Tezuka Kunimitsu's house. What happens?
[Avoidance. unrequited!Tachibana/Fuji, Tezuka/Fuji. 525 words]

Before Tezuka opens the door he can hear them singing. When he does open it, Fuji and Tachibana have arms around one another's shoulders, each holding the other up. It irritates Tezuka in a way the drunkeness doesn't.

"Hi Tezuka!" They chorus. Fuji stumbles in through the door and Tezuka has to help him into the lounge and onto a chair. He curls up.

"What are you doing here?" Tezuka asks Tachibana as he appears to be the only conscious one of the two of them now. Tezuka generally has a lot of respect for Tachibana and he is willing to give the benefit of doubt until he hears the explanation.

"Ah, well," Tachibana says, and hiccups. "I asked Fuji out for drinks, because I planned to confess to him tonight, and for that I needed to be roaring drunk first. So I am. Fuji let me down gently and said he was interested in someone else, and for him to confess to that person he also would need to be roaring drunk. So here we are!"

Tachibana tries to sit down and misses the chair completely. Tezuka is by his side in an instant, but Tachibana appears to be clean out on the floor. Fuji opens his eyes.

"You could come and help," Tezuka mutters as he pulls back Tachibana's eyelids one at a time to check his pupils.

"I knew this was going to happen," Fuji sighs. "Do you have any idea how heavy Tachibana is when he is drunk?"

"I don't care," Tezuka replies. "He might have a concussion from his fall. We should get him to a doctor."

"He'll be fine," Fuji grins. "He has a hard head."

"Be that as it may," Tezuka says, not bothering to disagree. "Would you rather we left him here and then he woke up in the morning and stumbled into my room and found us together?"

"Maybe then he'd give up," Fuji shrugs. "I think he was hoping I'd confess, you'd say no and then I'd rebound on him."

"I admire his persistence. Why do some of us go to so much trouble for you?"

"Would you like me to demonstrate right now?" Fuji asks with a smirk.

"Fuji," Tezuka says as Fuji's fingers swiftly reach to unbutton his pants.

"Spoilsport," Fuji retorts. He reluctantly helps Tezuka to get Tachibana to his feet and they take him to the nearby hospital. It takes so long for him to be seen that Tachibana wakes up, and Fuji falls asleep on Tezuka's shoulder.

"Do you have a headache?" Tezuka asks. "Blurred vision?"

Tachibana rubs the bump on the back of his head.

"No," he says. "I think I'm fine." They both know it is sensible for him to be examined anyway. They continue to sit in silence. Tachibana sees Fuji slumped against Tezuka. He looks down and sees their hands entwined.

"You were about a year too late," Tezuka states plainly. "Fuji does not relish hurting people, even just by letting them down easy. He tried very hard to play dumb and avoid the issue for a long time."

"I see," Tachibana says. "That actually explains a lot."


Atobe Keigo, Kirihara Akaya, Fuji Syuusuke and Fuji Yuuta must help an orphanage full of small and depressed children have a merry Christmas. Who does what, knowing that at the very least the kids will be expecting a visit from Santa?
[Mary Christmas. gen, 213 words]

"Ore-sama is clearly most suited for the job of Santa," Atobe declares.

"Fine," Fuji replies.

"Yeah, it's cool," Yuuta shrugs. Kirihara opens his mouth to argue, and wonders why nobody else is.

"I'm surprised," Fuji continues, "that you would voluntarily want to spend the afternoon with wriggling, pants-wetting, screaming, demanding, crying children sitting on your lap. It's admirable, Keigo."

"Wait-" Atobe says.

"It's cool!" Kirihara insists. "Wow, Hyotei-buchou you sure are much kinder than my buchou or fuku-buchou give you credit for!"

Atobe's lips disappear he presses them together so hard.

"Kirihara-kun, here's your costume," Fuji says. Kirihara snatches it up. He should know better than to believe Fuji is actually on his side.

"An ELF?!" He squeaks.

"Your looks are clearly most suited to it."

Yuuta pulls a face when he sees the reindeer suit, but one glance at the other costumes and he knows he's made out just fine.

"Aniki!" He yells as Fuji unwraps his own costume, "why on earth would you choose that?!"

"What?" Fuji asks innocently, "have you never wanted to see what wearing a dress feels like?"

"Ho-ho-ho, Mrs Claus," Atobe grins when he sees Fuji's legs in his stockings.

"Touch me and Santa won't even come once a year," Fuji replies, hand squeezing him dangerously hard. "Oh, hey kids!"


characters by team:hyotei, fandom:prince of tennis, pairing:tezuka/fuji, universe:teacher!au, wordcount:501-1000, type:gen, characters by team:st rudolph, characters by team:seigaku, characters by team:fudomine, characters by team:rikkai, pairing:fuji/tachibana, pairing:kirihara/yanagi, wordcount:101-500

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