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fsop November 30 2006, 22:45:56 UTC
020. the language of the visionary and the idealist.
Fuji/Tezuka, Fuji/Yumiko


"The Magician," Yumiko says, running her fingertips with their lightly manicured nails across the image on the card. "His message is one of discipline and responsibility. You have the power within yourself to accomplish whatever you wish." Her voice always changes when she speaks of the tarot, as though tapping into a higher power and voicing its thoughts as nothing more than a vessel. "Focus your will and hone your skills. Be aware of control and manipulation. Power can blind you to what is appropriate." She brings herself back to reality and looks at Fuji intently as she speaks the last part. "Keep in mind the negative stereotype of the Magician as a charlatan or a swindler."

Fuji shrugs and stretches; they have been sitting on the floor together like this for a while now, but he is used to an intensive reading taking time. Yumiko is still studying him for a reaction.

"What do you want me to say?" Fuji asks.

"You must have an idea of who this might be." She says, tapping the picture deliberately slowly.

"I might." Fuji replies casually, breaking into a grin at the last possible second.

"You're not going to tell!" Yumiko exclaimed with realisation. Her eyes set themselves with determination. "I will weed it out of you."

"You have my permission to try." Fuji says, choosing his words carefully.


"Why don't you just try?" Tezuka asks Fuji once more. Though he tries to pretend he does not get fixated on things, he will not let this subject go. And Tezuka has yet to realise on he can bring out Fuji's true will to play properly.

Fuji can have this conversation on auto-pilot now; it is perhaps the only thing that can truly drive any kind of a wedge between the two them, no matter how temporarily. He tempts himself at night thinking that Tezuka could be the Magician, but during the day reminds himself Tezuka will never take action to make himself so.

A car pulls into the school gates and draws to a halt. It's an uncommon sound, and Fuji knows his sister is going to give him a ride home, and so it distracts him from his usual replies to Tezuka's repetitive barrage of questions.

"You sure do spend a lot of time with your sister," Tezuka says. In his usual tone, it is neither suspicious nor accusing; simply an observation.

"We live together, as it happens." Fuji replies. He is not ruffled in the least by Tezuka's words. Tezuka simply refuses to release enough daydream and imagination to ever even come close to working out the truth.


"You sure do waste a lot of time talking with someone who makes no real effort to even reply to you." Yumiko says idly. She is cooking dinner, but now that everything is in the pot and bubbling away, she has nothing left to do except supervise and play with her dangling earrings. Fuji watches intently as they shimmer against the light.

"You're more alike than you would believe." Fuji smirks, wondering if this is his sister expressing jealousy. She's not usually the jealous type, having far too much confidence in herself for anything or anyone to become a threat.

"Is that my warning?" His sister asks, an eyebrow raised. Now he knows she is jealous. Which means she believes there is something to be jealous about, which is fascinating. Fuji lets the silence hang in the air for a while, not struggling to find an answer or something to say, just wanting to absorb the situation, and let Yumiko think about what she had said. She serves up two plates of food and Fuji lets her place his in front of him, sit down and place her napkin in her lap daintily before he finally speaks.

"What do you know?"

"What do I suspect, do you mean?" Yumiko asks. "Or what have I read in the cards?"

"One tends to lead to the other," Fuji shrugs. "You get suspicious, you go and consult your cards. You consult the cards, it presents ideas vague enough to cause suspicion."

"You never let me get one up on you." Yumiko says with an ironic smile. "Never let anything slip."

"With someone like you around, dear sister," Fuji says airily, "I've become used to watching what I say, before I say it. So you have only yourself to blame."



Part Two of Two! fsop November 30 2006, 22:47:15 UTC
020. the language of the visionary and the idealist.
Fuji/Tezuka, Fuji/Yumiko


"Tezuka..." Fuji speaks quietly, not wanting to destroy the atmosphere before the match. Tezuka is alone in the locker room, intently staring at his racket. It's unusual for him to be in such deep thought.

"Mmm?" He asks absently. Fuji takes this as an invitation to sit down beside him.

"I want to ask you something."

"So ask." Tezuka says. "Make it quick; you should be warming up."

"I will do so," Fuji acknowledges, "after I've asked you this. It's just not an easy thing to say... Did you want this match between us for selfish reasons?"

"Selfish reasons?" Tezuka blinks, and looks up. "Like what?"

The fact that he really has no idea what Fuji might even mean makes him feel reassured already. Fuji doesn't believe Tezuka is that good of an actor.

"Perhaps, an ego boost." Fuji shrugs. "You're the top in our team, in our school. In most tournaments. It's agiven that you're probably going to win-"

"I don't feel that way at all, I hope you know." Tezuka says sternly. "If I thought this was going to be a clear-cut win, I would not have bothered."

Fuji nods. "That's what I hoped. I just wanted to make sure. After... Echizen..."

He can't complete his thought. While neither of them are jealous of Echizen's achievements; he is talented and getting what he deserves, they can't help but think wistfully of what they are missing out on. Whether for the glory or the thrill.

"I wasn't going to use you as an ego-booster." Tezuka repeats firmly.

"Well then, the opposite end of the scale... Are you going to use me simply to improve yourself?" Fuji asks. "If you believe I can do that."

Tezuka nods. "If that is a selfish reason, then I believe I must be." He stands up. "But I would like you to know, I hope to improve your game just as much as I hope you will improve mine. I like to think of it as something we can do for one another."


"I don't like him." Yumiko says, arms folded across her chest like a warning barrier. "He is unapproachable, aloof and overconfident."

"Everything you wish you could be sometimes?" Fuji asks teasingly. "Tezuka has every right to be confident; his skills are beyond compare."

"He compared you to himself, or so you put it to me."

"Ah well, things are changing." Fuji says by way of explanation.

"I know." Yumiko says as coherently as she can with her lips pressed together in a thin line. "I saw it coming. I see it all. I know he will take you away from me eventually."

"No-one will take me away from you, Yumi-chan."

"Not completely, just in certain ways." The set of her eyes makes it clear what it is she is referring to; that which can't be spoken in public, as they are. Fuji lowers his voice to quieter than normal when he replies.

"If we were meant to be together, we wouldn't have been born to the same blood."

Yumiko looks unconvinced, and tells him so pointedly.

"What is sharing blood if not the closest bond of all?"



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