Re: Anarchosyndicalism

Feb 15, 2009 09:23

I haven't written in here in a while. I suppose it's probably because I'm not abroad anymore and I don't feel the need to keep a travelogue going; this outlet isn't intended to repeat the excesses of high school all over again. Sometimes, though, it's nice to clear the air a bit and reflect publicly on what's going on in my life.

I haven't been doing very well with keeping up with my reading, which is about 80% of my work and therefore that's a problem. I have a mid-term in Constitutional History on Tuesday as well as a 1,000 word paper assigning blame for the Spanish Civil War due the same day. I also have to catch up with Reflections of the Revolution in France for P3 because I have a paper for that sometime (it hasn't actually been assigned yet) as well as somehow blow through Democracy in America and some Kant. Not to mention that after this week I need to start independent research for my term paper in Witchcraft, Heresy, and Magic. I'm thinking about exploring why witchcraft trials in Spain tapered off significantly earlier than in England. Speaking of theses, I also need to get my honors thesis planned for next semester; I need to decide if I'm also doing history honors along with perspectives and if so I need to find a faculty mentor for that.
Also, I have yet to decide if I actually want to go to grad school or not. I think I would, especially if I can get the government to pay for it but I'm put off by the application process. Getting into college once was already quite the ordeal. The flip-side is that I can get the job with the state department without a masters or doctorate and I could get out into the world that much faster. If I got a masters I would start two pay grades higher, but in those two years I would probably advance those two ranks anyway. And of course the government may choose to send me to get a higher degree at a later date anyway. However, I do want to get my education over with as soon as possible in anycase and if I stay in Boston, say at Tufts or Harvard, I would still be around a lot of my friends for a few extra years. Your thoughts?
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