Saving Jane Graphic Art

Jun 21, 2009 03:02

I'm trying something new. I'm going to attempt to get all my art in a few posts, so I can keep straight what I've already posted and what I haven't (and to try and spare non friended people my inevitable rambling). Starting with Saving Jane because I'm becoming an affiliate-esque site with The Saving Jane Fan Club and figured I would try and get all of this organized for right now. I guess I'll try posting anything after what I post tonight by cuts so you don't have to scroll through everything to get to the new stuff.

People with dial-up are going to hate me.

You steal, you die.  It pretty much goes without saying. Feel free to use, but please, please comment and credit (You don't need to be an LJ member to comment). I put hours into making it, I think you can take a minute to let me know.  Fair enough?

August 6th, 2007

Basically the same as below but different colors, different Marti picture.  Couldn't decide which I liked better, so just did both.  Though I'm kind of leaning on the green one now...

The new heading banner for The Saving Jane Fan Club   :-)

Thanks to Danny for the pic used in all three of those!






Yeah, there's way too many to post them individually.  Go here to see all of them.  Credit rule still applies to icons, even if they're not posted on this particular page.

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