
Feb 04, 2007 00:08

I cannot make wallpapers anymore. I've just lost the ability. My SJ walls turned out great, the HBCD wall was awesome (okay, so I might be a little biased), and the Faith one was really really plain, but dealable if I organized the icons right. Decided I wanted a new one. Tried to make a Scott Clifton wall, and I don't like it much. I set it as my background, just for a change until I make something better, and it's growing on me, but blaaaaah. Under the cut.

There's 2 versions, same thing, just a little different.

Using the 2nd one.  Just works better.  And I'm slightly obsessed with desaturation, so.

Somebody on Scott Clifton's boards said they're gonna get a picture of him holding one of my flyers at the show next Sunday that I've been promoting for the Street Team!  I'm excited, haha.

Eh, in other news, my dad keeps asking me questions about The Wreckers.  This could be for 2 different reasons.  He saw them on Nashville Star on Thursday (which I was slightly disapointed with - neither played guitar! :-(  and both of 'em changed their hair and I'm not real fond of either), and liked 'em.  Or, he's actually picked up on the hints I've dropped about them coming to a club about an hour away from here the Saturday after my birthday, and is planning on taking me.  Personally, I'm hoping both. But judging by the fact that most times, he doesn't even remember my name (and I'm not kidding...), I'm kind of doubting he's picked up on any kind of hint.  *sigh* ah well.  I'll make it to that damn show one way or another, if I have to buy everyone's ticket myself..somehow.

Being sick SUCKS!  Trying to learn 10 songs by the end of next weekend, so far I've mastered 3, working on memorizing 2 others.  Except I think my left hand's going to fall off, and I'm deaf in my right ear.  I'm pretty sure the deafness is because I'm congested, but it's really weird because I sit with my stereo to my left, and the amplification hole on the guitar is on my right, so it's a weird balance.  Learning acoustic songs because I snapped a string on my Strat sometime last week, and I can't afford to buy new strings at the moment.  blah.  being a broke 'musician' (as I like to pathetically call myself..) sucks.

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