Jun 10, 2004 02:59
hi its me Andrew and its been like 10 thousand years since i updated and ill start with last thursday i think or wedsnday one of them i got up at 7 and danielle and jessica and angela and rose were at roses house so i skipped school and i went there then i left at like 11 45 and went back to school then on friday i went to the skatepark i guess me and manuel are friends again.?good bands.saturdayi went to danieles house and we went to taco bell and then rose came over and then we went the mall and then the movies and saw harry potter actulyl i didnt see harry potter becuse i was to busy distracting danielle.o i beat rob And manuel in skate im better then them ha.then on sunday i went to the walk for a little with rob rose and micheal and danielle and then after danielle and rose left me rob and micheal went skateboarding all day.then i did nothing monday. and on monday i got a gameboy advance sp becuse im a loser and i got games.i got zelda,pokemon,mario,metroid,lunar,and fire emblem. and today is wedsnday i did nothing. i couldve done stuff if daniele hadnt decided to go to her grandmas until thursday. yeah right now its 3 06 in the morning and i got bored so im eating a burrito and typing . o and im done