TF Rare Pairings Bunny (Sideswipe/Thundercracker)

Jul 13, 2011 04:12

IDW: Sideswipe/ Thundercracker (pains shared) from

- extra prompt > brother, family

The story happens some nondescript time after Optimus grilled Thundercracker for information while he is being repaired by Wheeljack. It ends as the spaced trio touched down.

Sideswipe was not happy about his latest duty at all. While it is not the first time he got assigned minder duty, he would rather preferred it to not be on a Decepticon. Granted, Wheeljack assured him that Thundercracker will not be up to doing anything much yet and he appears to have some kind of ceasefire agreement with Bumblebee, but Sideswipe would rather do patrol duty where it is just him and long stretches of roads.

Thundercracker appeared to be slumbering when Sideswipe entered the cubicle that has been converted into temporary quarter for its current inhabitant. Not wishing to wake the Decepticon, he keep himself as quiet as he can as he pick a corner and makes himself comfortable while keeping a clear line of sight on his current charge.

Sideswipe started to fidget after some time has passed. He hated having nothing to do, having to keep quiet, but most of all, he hated the silence. It makes him think and remember and lately, all he could think of is about Sunstreaker, the dead brother that was left back in Cybertron, his body undoubtedly devoured by the swarm.

"Stop that. How do you expect anyone to rest with all those clanking?" Sideswipe almost jumped at the gruff voice that came from the room's only other occupant.

"In case it's not readily apparent to you, I'm just here to make sure you don't try anything shady, not keeping you comfortable," Sideswipe retorted sharply, trying to mask his surprise, "Beside, I'm thinking."

Thundercracker frowned and then exhaled heavily but keep his silence. It was not long before Sideswipe started fidgeting again. "Will you cut that out!" Thundercracker roared at the red bot.

"Well, it's not my fault!" Sideswipe countered hotly. The two mechs stared at each other, willing the other to back down first. Sideswipe lost. He huffed as he averted his gaze, "It's just so quiet in here. And I've got nothing to do. And you're not a very good conversation partner."

"In case it is not readily apparent to you, I'm supposed to be resting, not conversing with you," Thundercracker's voice is dripping with sarcasm, "But since I'm apparently not getting my rest... be my guest."

"Huh?" Sideswipe is so shocked that a Decepticon is willing to have a conversation with an Autobot, he is stumped for a moment.

Sideswipe non reaction just serve to aggravate Thundercracker further, "Talk! That's what you want to do, didn't you?"

"Oh, yes. Wait, no... I mean yes. I mean no! I mean..." Sideswipe trailed off before collecting his thought and gave a better answer, "What I'm saying is that, yes, I want to talk but I'm not sure what to talk about."

Thundercracker gave him a pointed glare that were Sideswipe a lesser bot, he would have run away screaming for mercy. As it is, Sideswipe just offered a sheepish grin. "You said you're thinking, what are you thinking about then?" Thundercracker prompted.

"Hmm... nothing interesting really. Just about home and my brother. He didn't make it to Earth from our last trip to Cybertron," Sideswipe cast his eyes downward.

Thundercracker seems to soften up upon hearing that, "Is it the swarm?" he asked almost gently.

"Yeah, he... he sacrificed himself so we could get away from the swarm," Sideswipe finished proudly despite the hint of sadness in his voice, "I missed him sometime."

"I see," Thundercracker reply is hushed.

The conversation lapsed into silence and Sideswipe tried to break the awkwardness, "How about you? I heard that seekers view each others as brother."

"Only if being brothers means getting shot in the face and from the back," Sideswipe visibly cringe at the venom in Thundercracker's voice. However, the jet turn wistful a moment later, "Although I guess, if I'm being honest, I kind of missed the old days, when we can just fly together, no loyalties and ambitions to divide us."

Sideswipe is about to reply, when without preamble, Bluestreak burst into the room, grabbing Sideswipe and dragging him out, all the while babbling excitedly away, "You wouldn't believe who just landed. After all this time and they came back. I can hardly believe it myself. You have to see for yourself..." As the chatter grows fainter, Thundercracker laid back down and cycle down his system. Peace at last.


Sideswipe could not believe his optics. There, sitting in a hover chair not far away from where he stand is the brother that he is talking and thinking about just moments earlier. He reset his optics again, willing himself to believe that he is not just hallucinating. The figure seems to finally notice him and with a beaming smile on his face, called out his name, "Sideswipe!"

"Sunstreaker!" Sideswipe exclaimed as he ran to his brother's side. And somewhere in the back of his mind, he wished someday Thundercracker will be as lucky and be able to mend the rift between the seeker brothers.

character: thundercracker, character: sideswipe, fandom: transformers

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