Tf_bunny fics : Red+blue=purple

Aug 19, 2009 17:17

71. Skywarp as Starscream and Thundercracker’s sparkling, because red + blue = purple. I don’t know why this possibility hasn’t occurred to me before.

Fandom : Transformers (G1)
Characters : Starscream/Thundercracker (established), Skywarp, unnamedOC
Spoilers : None
Disclaimer: I own nothing that was recognizeable or commercially viable.

The newly on-lined sparkling chirruped happily as two mechs that he recognized as his creators move closer to his playpen.

"Ooh, he's adorable, don't you think, TC?" the red and blue sighed lovingly to his mate.

The mainly blue colored mech nodded, a happy smile on his face as he made cooing sounds at the sparkling.

"I'm really sorry to intrude on the bonding time, but I'm afraid there are some things to take care of first," ta femme assistant medic said softly, trying not to frighten the little one. "So, your designations are...?"

"I'm Thundercracker," the blue mech answered, "and my mate is Starscream," he motioned to the mech beside him who has picked the sparkling up and is currently trying to keep his little one from escaping his grip.

"Very energetic, a good trait for seekers built," the assistant giggled at the scene as Thundercracker  went to help Starscream handle the sparkling. "Have you decided on his designation?" she asked.

The two mechs looked at each before answering together, "Skywarp."

"Nice name," she commented as she wrote the name down on a datapad. "We're almost done. Now, what should Skywarp's primary color be?"

Again, the mechs looked at each others before answering together, "Red." "Blue."

One klik of awkward silence followed.

"It will be red, of course," Starscream said with a sweet smile that hold a hint of edge.

"Blue," Thundercracker answered with an air of finality.

"Red will looks better on him," Starscream shoot back, smile still in place although his voice has risen an octave higher.

"Blue will camouflage him perfectly during flight," Thundercracker countered with his own reason.

"Red will make him stand out among other seekers, I'm a proof for that," Starscream said with a not so little hint of pride in his voice.

"Not all attention is good," Thundercracker answered darkly.

"I still say red," a petulant answer with ever increasing volume.





"Ahem!" the femme fakes a cough to get the couple's attention. While this is a normal occurrence among couples who has just had their first sparkling, it is nevertheless an explosive situation that needs to be handled delicately for the sake of all parties involved. Especially when one of the proud creator has a voice as screechy as Starscream's. 'Wonder where that name came from,' the femme commented mentally. "Considering that both of you can't decide on one primary color, what about two?" she suggested, proud of her quick thinking.

Both mechs looked at each other, blink, look at the sparkling, look at the femme, blink, "NO!!" they answered together.
"It has to be one color. That's why it is called primary color," Starscream screeches, "If we wanted him to be bi-colored, we wouldn't need to have the arguments in the first place," he continues his ranting, "Not to mention..."

"Purple!," the femme cried out, cutting Starscream off. Both mechs looked at her, bewilderment in their optics.

"Alright, where did that come from?" Starscream asked, confused.

"Well, since you only want one color," she started, both mechs nodded, "and choosing either blue or red will be unfair," they all nodded, "Then red plus blue equals purple!" she exclaimed proudly.

All three looked at each others, grinning slowly, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Several solarcycles later...

"I hate all of you," the purple seekerling said to his creators.

A/N : There, all done. I'm aware that there is probably lots of errors in here, so please tell me so I can correct this later. I'm also well aware that Starscream has a fair amount of blue in his coloring, not to mention white, lets pretend that his primary coat is red. I'm just trying to take care of the bunny. Eeeppp.... *duck carrots*

character: skywarp, character: starscream, story, character: thundercracker, fandom: transformers

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