Indeed, is been quite a while I last update. Heh. Due to my crazy busy schedule, I hardly had time for myself to relax. Needless to say, time to enjoy.
Anyway, first and foremost, I would like to wish my dad (old man), happy 55th birthday! Time for you to withdraw all your CPF (Central Provident Fund) fund and let me spend big time! WAHAHHA! I know, I'm such a awesome son. :D If you ever sees this. AHAHA! But is your money anwyay, I shall not touch it, unless necessary. LOL!
Anyway, I figure I would die anytime soon, without knowing it, perhaps drug overdose (due to having too much intakes painkillers), or a sudden increase of white blood cells in my body than red blood cells (due to having too intakes of panadol).
Why? Because recently, there's a sudden sharp pain, every now and then in my jaws and sometime gum. So in order to make myself comfortable, the only way is to take painkillers provided by doctors and panadol if I didn't bring my painkillers to school or out.
Still, I had went for check ups, even to the doctors who put my braces on, they said they can't find anything wrong with my jaw/gum. If you people intend to say that I have not sleep enough or had not lead a healthy lifestyle, please bother to tell me that. I tried that, and its only get the condition worst. I slept enough, ate those healthy food (economic rice) and took Milo instead coke whenever I had lunch or break.
Still, the pain persist. I wonder how do I make it go away. I don't smoke, so I doubt that is the cause. So, hmmm, anyone has any idea why? Sometime the pain is so unbearable that I feel like killing myself, but now I had it under control, somehow, I think? AHAHA!
Nonetheless, I didn't know my mother know how to make Chocolate Fondue, I only found out, after we had dessert during my dad's birthday, which the dessert is Fondue. Haha! Who wanna have Fondue, may wish to come over my house, but please book a appointment or something. AHAHA!
Anyway I hope this is post is long enough to keep you people entertain. Heh!
Oh, here's a little photo,
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HERE!Dad's birthday, Chocolate Fondue.
'If you knew, Peggy Sue, then you know why I feel blue. Without Peggy, my Peggy Sue.~'