I still haven't posted any new chapter yet because whenever I think I have a bit of time, life will throw new things at me. These days I focus on the simple things in life: food, sleep, exercise, music, and work. Whenever I have a bit of time at night, I take notes and reread my old stuff so that I can get into the writing mode again when I'm on vacation.
(SN, I still haven't continued Ace Attorney for lack of time. But hopefully this will change after this semester.)
[Sailor Moon Crystal]In other news, I watched the new Sailor Moon Crystal series yesterday. I'm torn between liking it and hating it. The animation looks stylish and clean, but the old version was more mysterious and magical despite its flaws. The Usagi in the old version could be annoying but was expressive, cute and fun. In the new one she is definitely more pretty and elegant, but her eyes look like two sparkling jewel-like orbs without any life in them. The same applies to the supporting characters. All the characters either look like models or, in Umino's case, so annoying and ugly that they seem to belong to a different species next to the pretty ones. The music was nice but somewhat uninspiring, lacking the ear-worm quality of the old theme. All in all, the whole episode seems to take itself much more seriously than the old one did but somehow lacks the attraction of the old one.
On the other hand, one can see that the makers put a lot of effort into the new version so that I hope that the new series is going to improve in the later episodes. I also hope it won't die a premature death since I'm looking forward to seeing the other senshi, the Outers, the Starlights, all the quirky villains, especially Professor Tomoe... Most of all, I want to compare it to the old one. But would I continue watching the new series if I hadn't known the old version? Probably no. The old version, as sloppy and cringeworthy it could be at times, had much more charisma, something this new version totally lacks.