I thought I had figured it out. But the more I read, the less I know. *pulls hair out
Here is Watson as depicted in the Sunset mansion case:
http://www.mangareader.net/139-8345-12/detective-conan/chapter-299.html Here is a site on how to identify peregrine falcons:
http://ohiodnr.com/wildlife/dow/falcons/identify.aspx Seems like the only real difference between an Eurasian sparrowhawk and the peregrine falcon is the size? The more I read about this, the more confused I get. Some sites say that peregrines are big while others say they are small, barely bigger than a crow. *headdesks (Edit: I just found out that male peregrines are small while female peregrines are big.) Some site say that it depends on the length of the wings compared to the tail. If that's true, anime Saguru has a sparrowhawk. The wings are shorter than the tail. I'm not sure about the manga Saguru, though, because the bird looks more like a peregrine falcon to me (with long wings and a shorter tail).
On some pics, however, peregrine falcons do have shorter wings than tails. Help, they all look the same to me. And now that I've discovered the redtails, too, I can't distinguish them anymore.
Hence the question is: Is Watson an Eurasian sparrowhawk, a redtail, or a peregrine falcon?