Vid link: Hmpf rambles:
Yegads, another shippy vid! ;-) Okay, I'm sorry, I know I said I wouldn't rec that many shippy J/A vids, but, the truth is, this is Farscape - the greatest sf romance TV has ever seen. So, there's bound to be a lot of J/A vids in the fandom, and some percentage of them are bound to be brilliant. It would be a shame not to rec them. So, here we go with another brilliant shippy vid:
I love all but one of Chasa's FS vids, to slightly varying degrees, but mostly quite a lot; in my opinion she's one of the most consistently excellent vidders in any fandom. It's hard, perhaps impossible, to pick a favourite among her vids - but if someone pointed a pulse pistol at me, Full Circle is the vid I might choose.
Full Circle is a very straightforward vid. No, scratch that: it's a *circular* vid. The point is, it's a vid with an elegantly simple structure. It feels very 'rounded' - as well you might expect of a vid with the title "Full Circle."
Full Circle's simple but effective structure is shaped by thematic and visual mirroring and echoing. It took me several viewings to realise just how comprehensively this device was used, although the beginning sequence with the walking, stopping and not stopping, looking and not looking, in Moya's hallways, announces the structural principle quite plainly.
One thing that also deserves a mention when talking about Chasa is that she (mostly) handles special effects really well. There are actually a lot of effects in Full Circle, and all except - maybe - one (at 3:40), are unobtrusive and add to the vid instead of detracting (or distracting) from it.
Lastly, I need to mention that, although the general 'pace' of the song and the vid is fairly calm, there is some nice rhythmic variation in the editing.
Favourite moments:
This is a vid I can't pick favourite moments from, really. It flows beautifully, but there are few moments that, as such, give me a 'vid-gasm' ;-). I like the sepia-toned and slightly flickering intro that matches the intro of the song; I love the beginning sequence described above; I love the use of the 'flash of light' special effect at two climactic moments of the song and of the vid's narrative - especially the first one, at 1:33, and how this is echoed by the wormhole flash at 4:01; I love the hands-touching sequence, and how we get there via pointing guns, and shooting at one another, and John touching his own hand; I like the falling coin(s).