Feb 22, 2005 21:45
oh man, I found my finger eleven cd, and I'm sooooo happy! lol random. Well today was good, but I'm slowly beginning to realize that between the musical and work (well, babysitting for like 4 hours) is gonna start keeping me up super late with hw. :-/ yucky. Oh well, I was just talking to Travis O. and he goes to ACC, and he was telling me about his hard, crappy work. So, I dont feel so bad. We played "simon says" in French class again today. Except it was "Jacques a-dit" which is the same thing. Thats fun. Mrs. Confer took too long reviewing in Chem, so she pushed our test back til Thursday. Can I hear a woo hoo?!?!? lol. The funny part was that when she said she was moving it back, she apologized!! haha. ummm, chorus was fun today. We sight sang school house rock songs, les miserables songs, and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (sp?!?!?!?) At lunch, I didnt mess up the seating, thank goodness. lol. We took this one essay quiz in us history, and in English we just graded english tests. woop dee-stinking-doo. lol. I thought it was more of an eventful day than this. oh well. I did get to eat b-fast. I had GOLDEN CRISPS. I talked to some people about 'em today at school, but has anyone ever had them? lol. It's like "old school" cereal to me, cause I ate them when I was a little kid. hehe. Rehearsal was cool, I like learning songs. I got done at 4:30, I babysat from 5-8, then I came home, watched Gilmore Girls, and now I'm here. lol. I still have a buttload of hw. Sheesh, crazy school, never a break. Well, I'm drinking Dr Pepper and listening to Finger Eleven, and it's making my happy. :D In tonight alone, Seth has "offered to buy my cigs" and asked if I watch porn. lol. Please take neither of those seriously, you had to hear the convo. And, no, I dont smoke. Wont hold it against ya if you do smoke, but I deff. do NOT. :D Well, I guess I'm off. But one last thing, I only caught the last 15 minutes of Gilmore Girls, so I only saw Rory go out to eat til the end. lol. And I guess there was some sort of Fiddler on the Roof going on. Someone wanna inform me? I know someone watches it, if not, silly me. lol :D