sunshine and rain Vs. the way you conceive rain

Nov 22, 2005 06:01

so it's raining that steady rain with small gusts of wind...i love the rain.

My room's the bonus room above the the rain hits the roof really hard and i hear every gust of wind. Sometimes i get scared. My room's pretty scary without it being night time and rainy anyway. It's really long and dark by habit. I have two windows and neither of them get direct light--plus, one of them is in a nook, so it doesn't light up my room at all. The room is really long and angled. After my door to the room is the door to my bathroom...and then next to my shower is a smaller door, not like most bonus room doors, it's not like a midget door. It's more human sized, but skinny and you step up. That's the storage room. It's really dark and doesnt lock. As you can see, my room is the picturesque place for a horror film...and a rainy night just adds to the mood. I also live in the middle of no where. I live in the middle of 5 acres, so i'm surrounded by huge pines. So, it's a pretty scary place. I often find these nights to be my most prayer filled: "Lord, please don't let the trees fall on me..." of course later i wake up laughing at my naive-ness...saying that the likely hood of a tree falling and squishing me on my bed was highly unlikely..yet still i always pray.
It's funny how when i was younger and in my old house when my room was downstairs. I always felt safe. I always enjoyed the storms at night. I liked falling asleep to them. I felt protected though, I knew I was on the bottom level and trees couldnt hit me. I didn't hear the rain so loud, so I didn't know if it was raining dangerously hard. Still I feel safe if I'm downstairs or if I'm in the car driving through a storm with my Dad driving. But not alone in my room.
That's a lot like Christianity. When you're a young Christian or maybe before you're one. Things just go. You don't get tested. Satan doesn't really pick on you much. Rain's not pouring on your head. But when you get to be a mature Christian and you kind of move upstairs. You get the full brunt of it all. You get a ton of rain, you get hail, you get wind. But still you have that roof over your head. God still protects you from Satan and his trees falling on you. Funny how that works.

When i was little and I was tucked in in bed, I enjoyed the light rain outside and i slept soundly, now there's so many nights where i just get under my covers and lay there in prayer. And the storm comes pouring down and everything get's thrown at my roof. but nothing penetrates it through my sleepless night. My room gets darker and scarier, but nothing every happens to me, I'm always safe.
I love when those sort of things hit me...when i realize parallels in life with prayer.

But...moving upstairs is worth it and always rely on God through prayer. It's pretty crazy what get's thrown at you sometimes buts its even crazier that you can make it through them.
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