Learning Through Stugh - Indelible

Jan 27, 2008 09:38

indelible \in-DEL-uh-buhl\, adjective:
1. That cannot be removed, erased, or washed away.
2. Making marks that cannot easily be removed or erased.
3. Incapable of being forgotten; memorable.

Indelible is from Latin indelebilis, from in-, "not" + delebilis, "that can be obliterated or destroyed," from delere, "to blot out, to efface, to destroy."

Jeeves: A word about your turquoise and lavender-striped trousers, sir.

Bertie: And what word might that be, Jeeves? If your word about them involves "hideous", "ill-chosen", or "over my dead body", then I wish not to hear of it.

Jeeves: Nothing of the sort, sir. I was merely going to mention that, in an act of unforgivable remissness, I happen to lay them atop the electric cooker for a quarter of an hour while I boiled your tea, sir.

Bertie: What?!

Jeeves: It was most graceless of me, sir.

Bertie: And what's become of them?

Jeeves: Charred, sir. Indelibly.

Bertie: Indubitably indelible?

Jeeves: I fear so, sir.
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