Jul 03, 2004 03:21
So I'm hired! I posted earlier about not getting to be the deli guy at Albertson's, well apparently they're desperate enough that they're still going to take the time (with pay) to train me for that, so i get my 8 bucks an hour. I did 90 minutes today of the most awful computer trainin program ever. it was a fairly recent peic of software, but it was mind numbing, and did more to piss me off and not care about this company than to teach and/or inspire me.
Also, second time in a week, I had to fix someone else's fucking computer because people are idiots. "oh no! I don't know how to navigate windows without a mouse! Let me call the IT guy... but wait he's out of town..." 90 seconds later after she lets me "take a crack at it" I ask exactly how much money I just saved the company by not making her get a tech guy who most certainly does not make minnimum wage, I get a "that's a good boy. SIT." and proceed to get brainwashed by propaganda. After successful completion of Common Decency 101, (I fell asleep a few times which speaks less about the computer program that I would like to be able to claim, and more to the fact that I was entering my 24th waking hour at that point because I watched DVD's all night and kinda... never gone to bed) I got an apron, and a company polo shirt, and mountains of paperwork. I also learned that I'll be working in the same store as Ryan Zermenio. Hoo-fuckin'-ray.
I see Mrs. Vogel at the store and had a slightly awkward conversation with her, about how I had heard Matt applied to this store, bat was told there were openings at the mesa Albertsons so he couldn't work close by. I also said I'm a deli guy, which is what Matt's doing across town. Sketch. But we talked about people's various European trips this summer, and their French exchange student that's coming. I saw a bunch of people actually, ran into Josh Webb across the way at La Salsa. He was in very pretty company (as always) and we made small talk, I said hi to his lady friend, and then went to see Elconin at Blockbuster. I was hopig to run into Kerrie or Bryan at Fresca, didn't, and then remembered that Bryan's off in some part of CA with Steimeyer (spelling?).
Bocce at Tuckers Grove today, 2 pm come one come all. (BRING FOOD)