Memorial Weekend Sunday

May 31, 2004 12:38

       Yesterday was very full, try as I might to spend it alone playing videogames.  Woke up around 1:30 after being raped by a skank-whore after Saturday night's show.  I have much more sympathy for girls that have to put up with overbearing guys now.  But anyway, called Matt to go skimming at 3, he said no, but changed his mind an hour later, so we went to Hendry's and had a very nice session.  It was breaking very well, and while populated, the beach wasn't crowded.  I didn't have any "tuck n' roll" falls, and we saw Kuhn, Isy, Holly Alcorn, Miles and Dustin at various times throughout the day and had a good time chillin in the So Cal sun.  Went to Foster Freeze for milkshakes and curly fries and generally wondered how much more my life could be like Saved by the Bell.

So I got home, showered and my dad asked if I wanted to go to a show that night with him and her.  I was feeling alright so I agreed, and it turned out this show was actually a night of 1 Acts for the Young Playwrites Festival.  At the ensemble theatre, saw more people: Andrea Matthews, Ben Shepard, Karissa, and Damien Pearson.  SO it was an entertaining evening, but definitly more about the Community than the Theatre.  Saw Erik Finck  perform in the best 1 act of the evening, and was very impressed, and the 1 act had all these videogame references which made me laugh really loudly while everyone else in the audience thought I was on crack.

After the show, I got the car for the evening and went over to Bryan's and watched Travis S. and Aaron Clark destroy some poor saps at Warcraft III on Battlenet.  During that, I got a call from Micha, who said there was a mission to drive to Solvang to TP  Mr. Burrows that night, before the Mock Trial BBQ tomarrow.   So we did that, and I got picked up at Bryan's by Hanson, Kuhn, Micha, and Shelley and we were off to Solvang armed with 48 rolls of double-ply.

We friggin' destroyed his house.  In love, but destroyed it all the same.  Not one to toot my own horn, but beep beep.  I had some perfect spirals over the top of the tallest tree by the driveway, some 30+ feet tall eucalyptus, they arced over, caught, and came streaming down and it was a beautiful thing.  He's not getting that all down anytime soon. :)  We did some nice groundwork too, getting the shrubs and trees.  We really could have done some more detaling near the doors and front yard, but we maximized the impact to the neighboors.  While we stood back to admire our work, the outside lights went on, so we bolted and Shelley got a nasty gash on her side but I imagine that adreniline was pumping so no one noticed.  I don't think we were seen, and we peeled out of Solvang with that happy "Ocean's 11" feeling as we all were falling asleep when we rolled into SB at around 2 AM.  It'll be interesting to see what Burrows has to say at the BBQ this afternoon... he knows we love him.

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