(no subject)

Sep 10, 2004 01:17

      Oh money woes at 18 when you're unemployed is a bad time.  I'm going to have to get a job first quarter.  And I'm pretty pissed of at my folks.  There's no way I'm going to get to do Choir, Theatre, Mock Trial, Soccer, Fencing, make any kind of decent money and pass my 16 units.  What can I say, I want it all.

Cal Poly people leave... too soon.  Some tomarrow  (-> today), some day after.  And I still havent mailed anyone any of the stuff I got them in France, so don't worry, I'm just a slacker like that.  It's coming... probably.  SM Jrs OH WAIT... SENIORS started tuesday, and just let it be known, that I am fully enjoying waking up at 8, going back to bed, waking up again, playing video games for 90 minutes, and THEN having a leisurely breakfast.

Played Tennis with Alyssa, Julie, Marti, Matt, Hanson, and Juice a few days ago.  My game has atrophed so much... It's depressing.  That's anothing that I want to keep up on that I won't have time for.  But I had fun pretend-teaching Marti how to hit and she got better just within the 45 minutes we hit together.  It's been sweet just every night either going to Hanson's pool, or Julie's pool, of Lucia's pool.  Mrs. Holst is the best, and after tennis, the group just went to Julie's for like 4 hours and just talked, played "who would you rather" for far too long, and chilled in the hot tub.  Figuratively.

My computer dies on my yesterday and I'm pissed off/scared that it could happen again.  I wasn't there the moment it bit the dust, but i know it was just sitting, I think AIM was up, but I came back and had some black screen error message I'd never seen before.  So It won't boot up, It won't boot up in safe mode, And it won't do the non-destructive System recovery.  Fuckin' A.  So I had to wipe it, all my music, movies, pictures (thank god I made backups of my France and Les Mis pics) gone.  I'm pissed, and don't know what caused it so it could happen again, any second.  WTB.

Saw an interesting/Terrible movie today with Tozer who had a friend who let us in free (hence, I could go) and gave us pop corn and drinks and it was neat. (haha Micah failed the "integrity test" when he applied to work there!)  But the movie "What the !@#$ Do We Know?" wasn't great.  I thought it was going to be a sciency-documentary thing about quantum physics (interesting when you don't have to do HW about it), but it couln't decide if it wanted to be a Scientific peice, follow their weak subplot, or be Flubber (seriously).  However, it would have been an amazing movie to sit around and make fun of with certain people.  Not to be an asshole, but the leading lady for the (weak) plot that existed to give examples of what all the quantum physicists, biologists, theologists and chemists were talking about was deaf, and a leading lady that does "deaf speak" is distracting.  The deafness served no purpose in the film, save for being sickeningly politically correct.  It was frustrating to watch, these filmakers who obviously had some greater vison for whatever philoophy they were trying to push fail because of cliche, bad editing, and bewildering direction.  Maybe I would have enjoyed it if I did drugs...

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