So, I’ve finally managed to save up enough for that new Pentium 6 processor. Together with parts I scavenged from Komone when that power outage killed her for good (I’m still mad at you for that, Technus) and my dad’s old screen, it’s enough to build myself a working computer. I’m thinking about putting my Box together tomorrow. But I need a
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Hm, why would you want to name a box and why is it called a Pentium 6 Processor?
I'm building a computer for myself. The main processor is going to be a Pentium 6. I called it my Box when I was planning it, but now that I'm ready to build, it needs a better name. Have any suggestions?
Hm, Romero?
I don't know. I was thinking something a little more . . . modern. Sorry :).
All right. Not sure on any modern names I can give you.
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