...until i escape the lions jaw...

May 19, 2006 19:52

so today has to have been a pretty swell day. first off i didnt run in pe. just walked and sshmitty pants was coo' with it, then in 2nd alex hung out, with us, as well as miss chu subbing. i swear she has to be one of the coolest people ive ever met, shes soooo suuuper sweeet, as well as mrs. reily, her door was fucking GORGEOUS. im a big fat sucker for shit like that especially seeing its sooooo personal of her to have brought it in. :D major art props there, i think if i finish teh cookies early tonight instead of FUCKING myspace ill do some art. i really doo miss it A LOT. i think i might work on my warhol bush. ive put taht off for sooo many months. mk..4/5th were pretty swell. and 6th we had a sub. the douche one w/ the shitty tanline. HAHAHAHAHAHA. veryyy shitty tanline i must add. plus hes a dick and acts all macho...pffffft. howw pettttttyyy. i looove that word.7th was chill too cuz their was a vietnam vet tehre to talk about his photographing/war experience it was pretty surreal.just hearing it from a primary source rather than a book. i asked. "how do you feel about the comparisons btwn the war in iraq, and vietnam?" hes like. well theirs many midtones (wtf does that word mean?)but if you wanna hear about what i think talk to me afterclass. and smiled. i mean thats coo' and all, but it the begining he was like, c'mon ask anything you think you wouldnt be able to ask in a classroom. a kid started off the q&a w/ what was your experience with drugs? funny huh>? yet when we talk about current REAL issues it seemed as if he didnt want to offend anyone. yet he also talked some politics about how he felt about the kerry campaign after vietnam confronting the government of flaws and faults. and how he thought you shouldnt talk smack about your fellow soldiers. idk i felt kinda iffy at teh end like hey there man, answer my question all you gotta say to not even get your ass in shit is, ::well, i think their are many diff btwn both wars, however civilians die, so do soldiers,blah blah blah. but no. maybe his views were deeper than i perceive. either way. a little honesty and goodwill was all i was looking for. cuz its like. sir, your the only hope to even encourage kids to view a war to be a massacre. not a liberation of an oppressive government eventually leading to an establishment of democracy. well aside from that, w/ev. alex had a partay tonight so we didnt hang out. but mo' power to her. well hang out tomorrow anywhooze. i got a letter from kiki yesterday. im real happy for her, and real proud too, it DOES seem as if shes made sooo much progress and her mind is getting clearer :) that makes me soo happy you have no idea. i guess her mom visted and im more than sure that went to shit. good thing she said she got my letter right afterwards. when she comes in june, no longer may due to her poppys work schedule, she wants me to hang out w/ her and her dad her dad wants to better get to know me, bc he sees that she doesnt want to loose me. its tough to know you gotta prove yerself to someone. but i would do anything for that girl i really would. no drug talk or anythign like that wich believe me im not dumb. she asked me about using and i hope she doenst thing im into hard drugs like she was cuz. im more like totally against em. do em .but i just wont. fuck em. alll i stick to is pot. and occasionally cigs, and liquor. and even then those are sooooooo occasional unlike pot. which i smoke like once a week.. ill be honest with her, cuz thats truly wut our friendship is based on. i really am happy for her to come visit probably more than i realize but i guess since its to be so soon. i dont realize it. well everythings good i guess. im just trying to apply myself a lot to school these couple weeks i got left cuz. its down to the wire. summer school is like blahhh right now but w/e its only until like noon so nooo fuckin worries thats the time i get up anyways. so i guess itll feel like a college class only hella easy cuz geom is supposed to be easy in summer school. well i hope soo. they gotta pass you anyways. jessies jewish confirmation is tomorrow and im siked. i havent been to a bday party in a long time at least for a school friend so it shall be sweet. well i think my sugar has been softening so im gonna get goin on those cookies! :) peace out mothafuckas.
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