"Sounds like a porn movie" ...

Sep 03, 2008 19:43

...exactly what John Barrowman said about the title of this horror/comedy-movie: SHARK ATTACK 3 - MEGALODON. Really, I'm not kidding, it is definitely a comedy. Just saw it and laughed my ass off. Every cliche you could have in a movie like this: name it, it's in it! Plus dialogue so terrible you wouldn't believe, crappy FX and actors who really don't deserve this title.
We have
* the greedy billionaire who puts lives in danger cause he doesn't wanna lose money,
* the beautiful girl (without any experience in marine biology of course) who falls for the hero,
* the smart hero (JB, yeah!) who of course looks stunning in a diving suit and saves the day,
* the old friend who comes up with a brilliant idea how to kill our big bad shark
* drunken tourist and a good friend who become (predictable) fish food
* stupid rich people who jump overboard when a shark attacks their yacht (my favourite was the one who took the life vest from his girlfriend, jumped overboard and didn't even hit the water but landed right in the shark's mouth *thumbs up*)

Not to forget that
* even in submarines you should use your seatbelt (same design as in your car, btw). This way, even when the sub is turned onto its side, you remain in your seat in a fixed position, and I can't imagine why but it actually looks as if not the submarine was turned by 90 degrees, but the camera ;)
* it's really, really important in movies like this, that, should the female lead actually get her hands on a gun to protect herself from a shark, she has to throw it away as soon as the shark turns up and
* a movie can't get more entertaining than watching JB pummeling a shark with a baseball bat *lol*

Really, it is a movie not to be missed - if only for watching JB in a diving-suit and having a good laugh at how bad movies can actually get! Soooo bad, but really entertaining.

And if anyone hasn't heard the anecdote about the worst line ever spoken in a movie, "here's the youtube link."

movies, john barrowman

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