It's a small world

Feb 07, 2009 12:44

Anybody knows "Postcrossing"? The general idea is to write postcards to people from all over the world, and in return receive cards from other people. (so no 'long term commitement' like having a pen pal, which I could never maintain properly, but still getting greetings and hearing stories from all over the world).
Great idea, and so much fun. I started only a month ago and already got wonderful cards from China, Great Britain, Finland, Hungary and some more. I guess my postman already starts to wonder what this is all about :D
The addresses of the people who you should write to are given out at random - so imagine my surprise when today I received a card from the US, and the writer told me that we have a common friend on the net (at this point: greetings to whathobertie who introduced us both to the idea of postcrossing). Honestly: there are more than 80.000 people who joined the community so far and she gets to send me a card, plus: realizes that we know the same person? How cool is that!? *lol*


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